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"Until Heaven and Earth pass away ... until it all comes true." (Mt. 5:18)
On this page we will link to all our other unique web pages.
About Us tells about the Hierogamous Enterprises staff and associates.
Edge to Edge is a collection of jokes from our comic strip.
FAQs links to the answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions.
Please visit our Guestbook.
Hierogamous Hymns is our first publication, a collection of original lyricsby Michael Halm and Razilee Purdue.
The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary is a play for 8- to 10-year-olds by Kathy McCarthy.
Psalms, Hymns and Inspired Songs is an autobiography by Michael Joseph Halm including hundreds of Scripture-inspired songs.
Proverbials: Proverbs in Verse is a collection of proverbs turned into verse by Michael Halm to bring out their poetic, memorable wisdom.
Reignbeau's Riddles and Rhymes is a collection of riddles and children’s songs by Reignbeau the Clown
Crosswords with Jesus is a collection of a hundred crossword puzzles that do not exclude Jesus, the Bible or the Church.
The Wizard Who Couldn’t and Other Basilian Tales is a collection of fairy tales based on the Sunday Gospel readings and the history of Baselia [present day Basel region of Switzerland].
Sherlock Holmes and the Mad Doctor is a science fictional/detective tale involving a certain mad doctor lost in time.
The Cauldron is the newsletter of the Mythopoeic SIG, notable excerpts include On Storytelling
Mpossibilities is the newsletter of the Fortean Mysteries SIG, notable excerpts include: Anno Confusionis calendar, Egnart's Almanac and St. Suaire
The Norbury Chronicle is the still active newsletter of the Holmesian Studies SIG notable excerpts include "The Case of the Missing Ruby"
Song sheets links to a list of our songs currently or soon available as sheet music taken from Psalms, Hymns and Inspired Songs.
coordinated by Spiek the Vulcan, includes:
Astonishing, Bald and Barefoot Saints will be a collection of stories of saints arranged by their titles, such as, Christina the Astonishing, Alphege the Bald and Margaret the Barefooted.
The Before and After Saint Book will be a collection of stories about saints arranged in two parts -- the anonymous pre-conversion life and the post-conversion saint as we now know them.
Companions will be a collection of the little known saints, usually martyred with more well known saints, to help increase the appreciation of our “cloud of witnesses”.
How to Get High will be a math book based on the Proceedings of the André Joyce Fan Club. The club’s pages include Joyce’s many interests:
I'm A Believer will be a novel about a couple of college-age Catholics involved in early Church renewal and the sexual counterrevolution set in the late 1960s.Mary Men will be a collection of lives of saints with great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (see BVM).
Them That Have Wings is a science fiction novel about Leonardo di Vinci's time machine and what he learned in his travels, from ancient Crete to the far future.
The Wings of Dawn is a Billy Sigerson mystery begun as a serial in The Norbury Chronicle, newsletter of the Holmesian Studies SIG.
The Rise and Fall of the Sheshak Empire is the science fictional epic about the last intergalactic empire of which has an extensive backstory already.
The contents of this website is copyrighted by Hierogamous Enterprises, or where designated, by other individual contributors, such as the Fortean Mysteries, Holmesian Studies and Mythopoeic SIG or the IDIC Institute. The contents of such pages are the sole property of the contributors and not connected with American Mensa or Paramount Studios.