Psionics 101
Trying to understand and/or control the inherently incomprehensible and uncontrollable paranormal powers of the mind, known more simply as psi, has become quite highly developed by telepaths and telekinetics as both art and science, though naturally poorly understood among non-teleps and non-teleks. Telepathy fulfills the entry requirement into the Inter-Galactic Council.
The states of consciousness attempt to describe the linkage between the mind and the body, particularly the body's sensorium. It varies from no consciousness at all as during total possession or sense deprivation to the higher and higher consciousness of God Himself.
0. unconsciousness, no sensory perception, chod, Ganzfeld (NSP)
I. subconsciousness, dreaming, subliminal perception (SLP)
II. subnormal consciousness, trance (SNP)
III. normal consciousness, in-body experience (IBE)
IV. supernormal consciousness, supersensory perception (SSP)
V. paranormal consciousness, extrasensory perception (ESP)
VI. out-of-body experiences (OOBE)
VII. out-of-spirit-body, metatime (5D) experiences (OOSBE, T2E)
VIII. out-of-spirit, patatime (6D) experiences (OOSE, T3E)
IX. out-of-mind, mepatime (7D) experiences (OOME, T4E)
X. papatime (8D) experiences (T5E)
XI. time-six (9D) experiences (T6E)
etc. ad infinitum
This so-called heroes test is much simplified from those of Drs. Chandra Suresh and Charles Xavier, based on self-knowledge rather than biological or parapsychological analysis.
Do you possess:
1. mysterious guidance to create what isn't or re-create what was (a faithful hero's soul)?
2. longing for the extraordinary, dissatisfaction with ordinary (a hopeful hero's spirit)?
3. attunement to humanity's collective unconscious with longing to more deeply belong (a loving hero's heart)?
SUPERHERO TEST (Who Needs A Superhero? by H. Michael Brewer)
If one tests positive for the three requirements of the heroes test, one can further determine what type and subtype of hero or superhero one is (or will become) in comparison to other classic superhero types. Are you:
4. more like Daredevil (D) or Prof. X (X)?
5. more like Batman (B) or Wonder Woman (W)?
6. more like Green Lantern (G) or Plastic Man (P);
7. more like Invisible Girl (I) or Dazzler (V)?
type BX (phlegmatic), subtypes Mastermind (GI), Fieldmarshal (GV), Architect (PI), Inventor (XBPV)
type DG (melancholic), subtypes Inspector (BI), Supervisor (BV), Protector (WI), Provider (WV)
type DP (sanguine) subtypes Crafter (BI), Promoter (BV), Composer (WI), Performer (WV)
type WX (choleric) subtypes Counselor (GI), Teacher (GV), Healer (PI), Champion (PV)
(5-7 Jim McKeever)
CE0K imagining (possibly telepathic or crosstime contact, 5D)
CE1K: sighting (eye contact or line-of-sight)
CE2K: physical evidence (proximity)
CE3K: touching (hand/body) contact
CE4K: communication (mind/ear contact, within hiershot)
CE5K: commitment (heart contact)
CE6K: transformation (heart-changing)
CE7K: union (one-heartedness)
CE8K: Communion (One-heartedness)
CE9K: hierogamy (two-as-one-heartedness)
CE10K: Triunity (Three-as-One-heartedness)
[NOTE: not-so-close encounters can be once, twice, or more times removed (1R, 2R, etc.) as in 3rd or lower class relics, relay telepathy as in foafs.]
(logarithm of baud/kg, Dr. Robert A. Freitas, Jr.)
SQ -2 non-carnivorous plants
SQ 1 carnivorous plants
SQ 6 early computers
SQ 9 later computers
SQ 13 birds and mammals
SQ 23 superconducting Josephson junction gateways
SQ 50 quantum mechanical limit
(interpolated from William Sleator)
IRSC 0: unteachable foolishness lover
IRSC 10: self-deceiving foolishness believer
IRSC 50: foolishness teacher
IRSC 75: teachable (docile) fool
IRSC 100: half-wise
IRSC 125 truthseeker
IRSC 150: truthteller
IRSC: 200 Truthlover
aB: B is reiding/wreiting A but A is not rieding/wreiting B
AB: A is rieding/wreiting B rieding/wreiting A
ABc: A is rieding/wreiting B rieding/wreiting A but C is not rieding/wreiting A or B
Ab: A is rieding/wreiting B but B is not rieding/wreiting A
AbC: A is rieding/wreiting B while C is rieding/wreiting A rieding/wreiting B but B is not
ABA: A is reiding/wreiting B rieding/wreiting A
ABAB: A is rieding/wreiting B reiding/wreiting A reiding/wreiting B
ABAb: A is rieding/wreiting B reiding/wreiting A reiding/wreiting B but B is only rieding/wreiting A reiding/wreiting B
(Mentor of Arisia)
1. Y+Y > Y (more minds of same consciousness level can overpower fewer)
2. YY > Y+...+Y (greater-ply minds can overpower lesser or fewer)
3. YY > Y...Y (higher-consciousness minds can overpower lower, lesser or fewer)
(interpolated from Christina Larner)
a1: limited manipulation of simple psi powers (incantation, hypnotic suggestion)
a2: dangerous but limited use of simple psi powers (fetishism, transvestism, masturbation, vouyerism)
A1: simple manipulation of psi powers (love charms, talismans)
A2: dangerous manipulation of simple psi powers (voodoo, porn)
b1: limited ritualized individual manipulation of psi powers (positive thinking)
b2: dangerous, but limited, ritualized individual manipulation of psi powers (cursing)
B1: ritualized individual manipulation of psi powers (auto-suggestion)
B2: dangerous ritualized individual manipulation of psi powers (conjuring)
B3: fully ritualized individual manipulation of psi powers (chod, channeling)
c1: limited ritualized individual manipulation of psi powers (positive thinking)
c2: dangerous, but limited, ritualized individual manipulation of psi powers (cursing)
C1: limited ritualized group manipulation of psi powers (tarot, ouija, seance, orgy, animal sacrifice)
C2: dangerous ritualized group manipulation of psi powers (CE2K) (demonophany, sabbat, blood-drinking)
C3: fully ritualized group manipulation of psi powers (CE3K-CE7K) (Black Mass, sabat, Human sacrifice, cannibalism, robonomization, zombiism, vampirism)
(at least 2x7x4 = 56 extrapolated from Taco Magnon)
sub and super refer to the metaphysical probability states, either moving toward (super) or away (sub) from Truth, Beauty, and Goodness (Godliness)
back, central, down, front, left, right and up refer to the chronological probability states -- back meaning contrafactual, up or ana meaning futureward, right meaning moving conservatively or slowly like "sheepishly", left meaning moving liberally or fast, "goatishly", central meaning not moving at all or very little, down or kata meaning pastward, front meaning factual
formal, informal, resolved, unresolved refer to the metachronological probability states -- formal meaning unchangeable (observed), informal meaning semi-changeable (partially observed), resolved means unobserved and changed and unresolved means unobserved and changeable
(9-1 Task Force Games)
Although psi powers are essentially ultradimensional, both minds and bodies can be trained to be better disciplined to make better use of them. By learning from one who has greater self-mastery, the disciple can grow to better master his/her own mind and body while in-body (IB) and then advance to mastery out-of-body (OOB), out-of-spirit-body (OOSB), or beyond. (1 Th 4:3-8) No one can learn without a teacher and no one can teach without a student. (Acts 8:31) One learns both by being discipled and by discipling, so that both teacher and student advance in discipline together.
9: general amateur discipline
8: discipline devoted to acquisition and manipulation of raw data, or factual knowledge
7: discipline devoted to the perfection of one's own physical form and world
6: offshoot of ellusion, discipline which instead of avoiding the enemy, dominates their minds rendering them incapable of committing any hostile acts
5: discipline devoted to the development of pure intellect, abstract philosophy, meditation
4: discipline devoted to healing, especially mental illnesses, psiatry
3: discipline devoted to misdirection and obscuration without outright dishonesty, ellusion
2: discipline devoted to Travelers, dedicated to perception (space-time (4D) and reality (5D)) and learning in art, science, philosophy
1: discipline devoted to telepathy and mindmelding
0: narrowest, least teachable discipline of pure receptivity
by Pvt. Joe Zilch, etal.
fubah: fouled up beyond all hope
fubar: fouled up beyond all reason/repair
fubb: fouled up beyond belief
fubi: fouled up beyond imagining
fufaraw major foul-up over triviality
fulery jocular foul-up
fultu: fouled up less than usual
fumanchu Oriental or mustache foul-up
fummtu: fouled up much more than usual
fumtu: fouled up more than usual
funnaa: fouled up nearly not at all
futhark alphabetical foul-up
futon bedding foul-up
fuzle foul-up because of clumsiness or bungling
jaaffu: joint army-air force foul-up
janaffu: joint army-navy-air force foul-up
jafanfu: joint air force and navy foul-up
janfu: joint army-navy foul-up
kungfu martial arts foul-up
nasafu: NASA foul-up
pofu: penultimate of foul-ups
sapfu: surpassing all previous foul-ups
sattfu: situation a third time fouled up
scemfu: situation changed, even more fouled up
scinfu: situation changed, it's now fouled up
smapfu: surpassing most all previous foul-ups
snufu: situation not usually fouled up
snafu: situation normal, all fouled up
snyfu: situation not yet fouled up
snyrfu: situation not yet really fouled up
stufu: surpassing the ultimate foul-up
susfu: situation unchanged, still fouled up
syafu: situation yet again fouled up
tarfu: things are really fouled-up
tarrfu: things are really, really fouled up
tasfu: things are surreally fouled up
tutfu: the umpteenth foul-up
tuifu: the ultimate in foul-ups
[portmanteaux of the -fu and the fu- words are also possible, such as, snufubh -- situation not usually fouled up, fouled up beyond hope]
farmisht: [Yiddish] confused, fouled up
forpotshket: [Yiddish] something fouled up after attempt to fix
Scheissenbedauern: disappointment in better than expected foul-up
Schlimmbesserung: [Germ.] so-called improvement that fouls things up worse
(Philip van Doren Stern)
M1K: invisible
M2K: shapeless
M3K: small, nasty, swarmy
M4K: large, powerful, dangerous, old
M5K: ordinary turned dangerous
M6K: man turned against man
ablexxive: overwhelmingly confusing
acathisa: [Lat.] infatigability, power to continue in motion indefinitely, "perpetual motion"
acedia: [Lat.] spiritual slothfulness
achor: [Heb.] misery, affliction
adharma: lawlessness, vice, cosmic disorder
adhesion: PK2K power to cling
aerokinesis: PK power limited to air
agape: psychic power turned wholly outward, anti-libido
agility: power of soul over body to move extremely rapidly, though not instantaneously, jaunt, teleport
agitron: [Mort Walker] indication of shakiness or instability
agnosia: power to selectively not recognize something familiar
AI: [artificial "intelligence"] any mimic of intelligence, including MI, person-mimicking mind-clones, and other vitological pseudo-life
ainimal: animal with artificially enhanced "intelligence"
akilo: [Jap.] tranquility/knowledge
alamoth: [Heb. sopranos, female choir] femininity, yang
allize: [allo-, realize backformation] falsify by pastward timetraveling
allohistory: false memory of Gyronchi tangent, path-not-taken
alyo: [baseball] person not easily disconcerted
amaurosis: selective blindness, power to not see
amnesia: power to ignore one's own past
ana: [Grk.] futureward
anachronokinesis: psi power to dilate or contract time (4D) wrt metatime (5D)
anachronophobia: [Jonathan Morris] fear of anachronisms
analgesia: power to ignore pain (1 and 2 Mac.)
ananda: [Sanskrit] life, sensation, pleasure of the body
ancestral memory: familial telepathy responsible for collective unconsciousness, some postcognition, misidentified as (p)re-incarnation, hauntings
Anderplatz: [Germ. "other place"] teleportation
andgasm: [orgasm backformation] non-sexual pleasure rush
anesthesia: diminished powers of perception
animation: power to make inanimate animate (Gen. 2:7)
animo aegis: [Lat.] heartsickness
animofractus: [Lat.] brokenheartedness
animimicry: power to mimic animal powers
animorphing: shape-shifting into (and back from) an animal form
anatta: Buddhistic misidentification of body, soul and spirit as not Real
anpsi: animal psi power (Num. 22:23-30)
appel: [Fren.] movement of spirit-soul analogous to foot-stamping-like false attack
apportation: psychokinetic power to bring distant objects near (Ps 78:19, 2 Kg 4:2-7, Mt 14:19, 15:32, etc.,)
archetype: universal common ancestral memory
arrational: superposition of rational and irrational, related to triple-thought mind block
askashic record: record of all past accessible via N-ray vision, postconition
assaut: [Fren.] friendly combat
assumption: supposition of truth, for the sake of logical argument
astral projection: OOBESPK, power to act or sense out-of-body, see double
atman: [Sanskrit] pantheistic misidentification of body and soul as not Real
attaque: [Fren.] initial offensive
audiokinesis: PK limited to sound (Klaw, Fiddler), see sonic screaming
aura: bodily radiation varying according to state of body-soul, see aureola
aureole: full-body halo
autistic thinking: power to use daydream (delusions, hallucinations, fantasies, imaginary companions, superego) to arouse ambition, deal with emotions, escape pressures
autoscopy: power to see one's self as others see you
autosuggestion: power of conscious self to influence own subconscious
avatar: any unreal identity, demonophany or tulpa or hyper-dimensional, VR
axel: [Axel Paulsen] graceful leap with 3/2 turn
ayu: [as yet unknown] not presently known but knowable in the future
baatir: [Somali] mature, barren camel
bait: [Hofstadter] reward symmeme that encourages the spread of the scheme
balestra: [Fren.] forward/futureward hop or jump
ballon: [Fren.] "floating" leap
bamfing: disintegration/teleportation/reintegration often in puff of smoke
barani roll: [Robert Barani] 3/2 rotation twist leap
bathos: [Alexander Pope] sudden descent from exalted to ridiculous
BAT-itude: [Douglas R. Hofstadter] qualitity of being a be-able thing (BAT)
battlement: [Fren.] turning aside an offensive
battu: [Fren.] leap with leg-beating
be-ee: [Thomas Nagel] being who becomes another being in VR, metempsychosis or telepresence
be-er: [Douglas R. Hofstadter] being who another being becomes in metempsychosis, VR, or telepresence
beluthahatchee: [Bantu] blissful state of forgetfulness and forgiveness
belief: state or habit of trustfulness in uncertainty
belle indifference: power to accept with calm other powers
beraka: [Heb.] blessing, God’s favor
Bettschwere: [Germ.] not-wanting-to-get-out-of-bed feeling
biffits: indication of very fast movement as by a speedster or jaunter
binding: power to immobilize (Jn 20:23), see geas
bilking: changing the past, only possible by unobserved metatime (5D) travelers
bilocation: seeming to be in two places at once by maintaining consciousness in-body and out-of-body simultaneously (Martin de Porres, Padre Pio), see tulpa
binah: understanding
bios: [Grk.] body-life, contrasted with spirit-life
blarg: beond terrible
bleshing: [Theodore Sturgeon] forming a gestalt or multi-ply mind, see ext
Blinovitch limit: point at which the paradoxes of a time (4D) traveler meeting his past selves grow exponentially until Gordian time-knot is formed
blurgit: [Mort Walker] indication of slight movement, nudge or shrug
blurk: popular wisdom so popular it ceases tobe wisdom
Bodhisattva paradox: one gets enlightenment (or love) because one is unselfish enough not to seek it
body-freedom: disassociation of soul from the body in paranormal states
body-soul: [anima, psyche] soul with consciousness focused in-body and not out-of-body
bootstrapping: impossible act of bringing intelligence out of non-intelligent or life out of non-living, impossible, that is, except for God
bourrée: [Fren.] small tiptoe step
braingrip: initial step in brainscrub
brainscrubbing: hypnotically suggested amnesia more thorough than brainwashing
bright: with higher ESPK powers from telepathy to space-time (4D) and metatime (5D) travel
brisé: [Fren.] leap from one leg with leg-beating
broadbander: [Norstilian] powerful but erratic telepath
buddhi: [Sanskrit] intuitive direct knowledge
btfsplk: ["Li'l Abner", Joe Btfsplk] black clouded jinx
calenture: obsession with thought of acting upon hallucination
Capgras syndrome: power to recognize doppelgangers
capriole: [Fren.] leap with a mid-air leg-beating
capriccioso: [Ital.] free and lively
carnal: with focus completely on body-soul and not on spirit-soul
Cassandra syndrome: unbelievably true prophesying
catachresis: deliberate paradox
catalepsy: power to continue immobile indefinitely
catalyst: power to stimulate other's powers
cesistialistic: exemplifying creature's relationship to Creator as if inanimate misbehaves
charm: object with paranormal or hypnotic suggestive power
chassé: [Fren.] sliding step
chesed: mercy, goodness
chit: [Sanskrit] love, wisdom, joy of the spirit life,
chod: [Tibetan] possession by voluntary, ritualized NSP
chokmah: wisdom
choleric: (XW, Prof. X/Wonder Woman) decisive type mind (high-dopamine/high-endorphin) but needing CE8K security (Prv 30:13), includes subtypes: counselors (IXWG), healers (IXWP), teachers (VXWG) and champions (VXWP)
chromesthesia: power to experience other sensations as color (e. g., pitch = brightness, volume = size), see synaethesia
chronokinesis: psi power to move in metatime (5D), see apportation
chronopathy: [Cordwainer Smith] involuntary crisis-triggered chronokinesis
chronoplasty: power to reshape time (5D)
chronoportation: power to move self in time (4D), see kairoportation
chronosynclastic: [Kurt Vonnegut] describing broken and rearranged subjective time (5D) of a chronic time (4D) traveler
ciseaux: [Fren.] leap with legs wide apart
cisfiguration: partial transfiguration
cismogrification: partial transmogrification
clairaudience: super-hearing, power to hear what is not present to hearing
claircognizance: power to know the otherwise unknowable
clairgustance: power to taste what is otherwise untastable
clairvoyance: power to see in mind's eye what is distant in space-time (4D) and inaccessible by telepathy
Clang association: what homonyms have connecting them
clarity: power of soul to see and be seen as God sees (Mt 17:2)
clarketech: [Arthur C. Clarke] technology so advanced that it appears to the uninitiated as magic or psi
collective unconscious: [Carl Jung] thoughts and feelings shared unconsciously by all consciousnesses
compulsion: power to do work with meticulous care until goal is reached
con brio: [Ital.] vigorously
conception: generic idea conceived by "imagineering" or fruition of Love as in parents, Immaculate Conception or Incarnation
concupiscence: excessive desiring, overcome with self-mastery
confabrication: replacing memory with false memory, fact with fiction, see virtualization
conmoción: [Span.] deep but fleeting group emotion
connatural: not perfectly natural, like disembodied or body-free soul
Connaught technique: [Dr. Laurence Connaught] simply described technique for producing
con sordino: [Ital.] muted
con spirito: [Ital.] spirited
contemplation: mystical activity opening one to visions, voices, revelations; opposite of meditation (zen)
contre-attaque: [Fren.] response to initial offensive
cor: [Lat.] heart, seat of soul's deepest or core emotions
Coueism: [Coue] overcoming rationation and doubt by hypnogogic autosuggestion
crescendo: [Ital.] rising in volume and intensity
cross-over: superpositioning of real and imaginary (tulpa), enreal or emaginary
cryptaesthesia: power to know hidden things (Mt 17:27)
cryokinesis: PK power to extract heat energy
cryptaesthesia: power to perceive what is hidden
cryptoscopy: spatial clairvoyance, see cryptaesthesia, telescopic vision
Cumberlandism: [Cumberland] pseudo-telepathic reading of muscle movements
cyberkinesis: PK limited to cybernetic devices
cyberpathy: power to communicate pseudo-telepathically with cybernetic devices
daath: ["knowledge"] combination of chokmah ["wisdom"] and binah ["understanding"]
damned: those who have suffered or will inevitably suffer the second death of their spirit-body and lose all psi powers but immortality
darkthy: in the state of being in-the-dark
darna: persistence
dasoku: [Jap.] superfluous like snake legs
davka: [Hebrew] for no other known reason than just because God allows it
déjà éproúve: [Fren.] experiencing the unfamiliar as familiar, possibly precognitively, opposite of jamais éproúve, includes déjà vû (seeing), déjà entendu (hearing), déjà lû (reading), see promnesia
debana: [Jap.] opportune moment, see Jonbar point, kairos
decrescendo: [Ital.] falling in volume and intensity
delusion: false belief or opinion strongly held despite invalidating evidence, includes reincarnation and pre-incarnation
demon: infra-dimensional intelligence categorized by their focus against goodness -- aerial (wind, sound), aqueous (unholy water), heliophobic (darkness, shadows), igneous (fire), subterrestrial, terrestrial (animals, men)
demoniality: intercourse with demons or demonically possessed (and so including the worst bestiality and necrophilia) as before Deluge
demonolepsy: possession by demon(s)
demonomania: obsession with demons, evil UDI
demonophany: appearance of a malevolent UDI in visible form (CE1K), see avatar
depersonalization syndrome: power to think and act like ghost, robot, undead, zombi
denial: power to ignore unreal despite all evidence to the contrary
dereistic thinking: power to go beyond reality, experience or logic
dermo-optic perception: power to see with skin, especially finger tips
discernment: power to discern true nature of spirits
disintegration: power to loosen molecular bonds
dérobement: [Fren.] deception to thwart attempted offensive
dharma: [Sansk.] duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues, cosmic order
dichromat: with two cones able to distinguish only 104 hues, less than trichromat (106) and many less than tetrachromat (108)
dironic: not ironic at all
dites: [Mort Walker] indication of diagonal movement, air turbulance
dixit: unconfirmed, sometimes dogmatic, statement
dobgat: [Myrinese] irresistable tendency to laugh at unfunny
domination: power to command inanimate (Gn 3:16) or living creatures (Wis 9:1-3), prerequisite to mesmerism
doppelganger: [Ger.] ghostly double of living person, future self seen in present
doppelgangster: "evil twin" double
dormition: "falling asleep", dying but destined to rise from the dead
dorthy: [Oz's Dorothy Gale] interdimensionally "thin" like Kansas-Oz portal
doxastic: pertaining to mere opinion
doxic: worse than worst possble scenario
dreamtime: [Aranda altjiranga mitjina, "ancestor-was"] time (5D) of ancestral memory
dryware: AI software and/or hardware, as opposed to wetware
duf: doubt, uncertainty, fear, fud with doubt predominating and producing uncertainty and fear
dybbuk: [Heb.] spirit-soul or spirit that takes control of another body while the owner is unconsciousness or dead, see walk-in
dypsomania: obsession with alcohol
dyspsychia: inability to use psi powers
écarté: with arm and leg extended on one side
echolocation: SSP to locate via sound
ecstasy: union of soul and God just short of heavenly bliss
ectenic force: [M. Thury] hypothetical force that causes PK phenomena
ectoplasm: [Charles Ricket] materialized substance gelatinous, viscous, and usually white
EDI: extra-dimensional intelligence
ego boundary: boundary between one mind and others' or mindlessness
eidetic imaging: power to remember everything seen, photographic memory
eidolon: ghost
electrokinesis: power limited to electrons and electricity
electroportation: teleportation limited to an electrical current
elasticity: power to shapeshift while retaining humanoid form
ellogical: ['llogical] superposition of logical and illogical, see Clang association, cluttering, dysgrammatism, dyslexia, spoonerism, Ganser syndrome, jargonaphasia, metonymy, neologisms, portmanteaux, parapraxis, strephosymbolia, verbigeration, word salad
ellusion: ['llusion] superposition of illusion and lusion
emanata: [Mort Walker] indicaton of shock or surprize
embosk: superposition of hiding and revealing
emago: superposition of real and unreal image of person
emkinesis: power to control electromagnetic forces
emmaterial: ['mmaterial] superposition of material and immaterial as when in process of materializing or dematerializing
emmobilization: ['mmobilization] superposition of mobilization and immobilization
emmortal: ['mmortal] superposition of mortal and immortal
empathy: non-verbal, non-visual telepathy limited to perceiving feelings
empossible: ['mpossible] superposition of possible and impossible
encraty: senses mastery, self-control, abstinence, continence
encredible: ['ncredible] superposition of credible and incredible
endeath: ['ndeath] superposition of death and undeath
enderstanding: ['nderstanding] superposition of understanding and non-understanding
endeterminant: ['ndeterminant] superposition of determinant and indeterminant
endiablee: put the devil into someone
energumen: demonically possessed person
enknown: ['nknown] borderline between the known and the unknown
ennatural: ['nnatural] superposition of natural and unnatural
enreal: ['nreal] superposition of real and unreal
ensanity: [Tibetan bardo] superposition of sanity and insanity
enspiration: ['nspiration] superposition of inspiration and non-inspiration
entanglement: quantum connection between any two things which come into contact, basic principle of relics, psychometry
entelligence: ['ntelligence] superposition of intelligence and telligence
entrechat: vertical jump with leg position change
entruth: ['ntruth] superposition of truth and untruth
entuitive: ['ntutive] superposition of intuitive and non-intuitive or observational
envisiblity: ['nvisible] superposition of visibility and invisibility, transparency
envulnerabilty: ['nvulnerability] superposition of vulnerability and invulnerability
epignostics: study of otherwise unknowable revealed knowledge (Col 1:9)
ergoplasty: power to convert one form of energy into another
EPR effect: [Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen] "spooky" action at a distance, supposed basis of Law of Sympathy
E-rays: [Ger. Erdstrahlen] produced by Earth, detectable by dowsers
esek: [Heb.] challenge
eshaku: slight bow
esoteric: non-exoteric, occult, secretive, available only to an elite
ESP: [extrasensory perception] metagnomy, knowledge acquired with mind alone, without senses
ESPK: combined ESP and PK powers
esper: person with more than five senses, such as a "sixth sense", clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. as distinguished from empath or telepath
ESPionage: use of psychic powers to spy
esquive: [Fren.] dodging
euhererism: theory that all myths have factual basis
evil eye: diabolic ESPK1K, line-of-sight power to jinx
eviternity: [Summa] state of everlastingness between time (4D) and eternity (∞D) in which spirits exist, with beginning but without ending, changing but without limitation
exoteric: non-esoteric, available to all, like Revelation
exotoxic: poisonous to others but not carrier
ext: [Winslow Otto Notsniw] chaotic emotions including relationship-killing fear that lead to bleshing or insanity
extranormal: beyond ordinary normal to extraordinary normal
fac: [flip a coin]
faith: belief even without sufficient evidence
fakirism: mass hypnosis as practiced by fakirs such as basket stabbing, India rope trick
fam: [flip a marble] leave choice indeterminate, see com
fancy: caprious or delusive imaginings
fantasy: free, unrealistic, improbable imaginings with clarkeware explanation
fastasization: [Dirdir] mind control and projective telepathy
fausse attaque: [Fren.] attack intended to fail to produce predictable counter-attack
feinte: [Fren.] attack with switch
Feynman diagram: graphic representation of quantum mechanical interactions including Y-forks, lambda-forks, timeloops, metatimebubbles
femme: [Fren.] female-impersonating male or assexual such as an incubus
fideism: dependence on faith rather than reason
fieling: [speak:spiek::feel:?] mindtouching, empathy, initial stage of mindmeld
fittle: [Ken MacLeod] faster than light
fjact: contrafactual or unverifiable "fact"
fléche: short, running attack
flense: strip covering off of
flight: usually omnidirectional auto-levitation
First Adam's Law: everything is subject to corruption because of Adam's sin, see Second Adam’s Law
flexanimosity: mental flexibility
foa: focus of attention, where disembodied are
foaf: [friend of a friend] second-or-higher-hand source of information as in hearing or reading of someone else's experience, CE4K6K or CE1K6K
fouetté: movement of spirit-soul analogous to spin on one foot with other leg thrown out and in
folie à deux: [Fren. folly of two] hallucination shared by two minds
folie à beaucoup: [Fren. folly of many] hallucination shared by many minds
foltergeist: [Germ. torture ghost] tortuous spirit particularly of the damned or possessed
foppelganger: [Ger. foppel] hoax double as in illusionary holo
force beam: PK1K, line-of-sight psychokinesis
forgettery: [Joseph T. Shipley] function of mind which allows it to seem to forget while merely burying a memory
forlostwenna: sudden, compulsive wunderlust
forte: [Ital.] loudly
fourk: [3:4::threek:?] four-future or four-past Y-fork or Lambda-fork
frelling: [Nebari] forbidden thoughts
friarism: teleogical pov that, for example, sees rivers as providentially near cities rather than vice versa
fugue: amnesia and creation of new identity (persona) via confabrication and paramnesia
fud: fear, uncertainty, doubt, usually found together, though in varying proportions, see duf
fudoshin: [Jap.] immovable spirit
fulgurkinesis: power to generate lightning
fumetti: [Fren. "bubbles"] where unheard words or thoughts can be read in many varieties, electronic, cumulous, frigid, serrated, etc.
fünf: [between vier and secht] between fear and sex
fünffachganger: [Ger.] fifth "double"
furfle: [Grotian] self-resurrect
Gamaliel principle: good survives, evil self-destructs
Ganser syndrome: giving slightly off answers
Ganzfeld: sensory deprivation to achieve NSP
geas: [Gaelic] implanted compulsion, see binding and loosening
geburah: strength, divine power
gedanken: [Germ. thinking] purely mental, often intuitive, hypotheticalizing and inference
Geisterseher: person with power to sie spirit-souls, so-called "second sight", but not to metatime (5D) travel
gellering: [Geller] aka PKMB, psychokinetic metal-bending
gestalt: minds united into a single multi-ply mind, "with one mind and one heart", see bleshing
ghu: demon seeking worship due only to God, false god or goddess (femme ghu)
gigo: [garbage in, garbage out] observation that output is only as good as input
glamourization: illusionary glorification
glarnk: [Strellon] long-term joy/pleasure for days or weeks
gleep: manipulate people or objects in space-time (5D)
glisk: slight touch of deep pleasure or passing pain
glissade: slow, slide with bent knees and feet coming together between steps
glorification: making more visible the supernatural brightness or radiance (Mt 16:27)
glossalia: power to speak in languages unknown to speaker, telepathy with perception of words but not meaning
gmira: [Aramaic] complete, perfect, finished, true
godd syndrome: implantation compulsion that eventually leads to clarketech with greater and greater loss of identity, including cyborgs and AI-dependant bionts
golk: [Folmalhaultian] joyless prayerlessness, see acedia
Grafenberg spot: [Ernst Grafenberg] place where there is most change, see Hawthorn effect
grandiosity: power to (mis)recognize one's self as powerful, wealthy, important world-saver, see imago
grave: [Ital.] gravely
gravitokinesis: power to control gravitational forces
grawlixes: [Mort Walker] unreidable thoughts
graydation: [gradation mondegreen] turning clear black-and-white thinking into confused non-thinking
grazioso: [Ital.] gracefully
grokking: [Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein] power to form so strong an empathic or telepathic bond as to nearly blesh
gurgurshaa: [Somali] docile pack camel
gyromagnetism: [Count Szápáry] table-tipping, spontaneous repetitious touch-psychokinesis, SRPK3K
Gyronchi tangent: [Jack Williamson] "dead branch" timeline truncated by pastward time traveler
haecceity: that which makes something or someone unique
halo: perceivable radiance of inner glory from head (Moses)
hallucination: sense the imagined or planted as in hypnogogic or hypnopompic states (auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, kinesthetic)
hangry: angry because of underlying hunger
hart ducha: [Polish "hard spirit"] courageous self-mastery, grit
hasid: [Heb.] pious
Hawthorn effect: [Stanley Milgrm Hawthorn] observation causes change
heat vision: line-of-sight pyrolysis PK1K
hedonic reversal: when pleasureful becomes painful or v. v.
heiligen Geist: [Germ. Holy Ghost] opposing spirit to zeitgeist, foltergeist and poltergeist
hierogamy: superposition or “marriage” of ying and yang, harmony of alamoth and sheminith
henshin: [Jap.] change, transformation or metamorphosis
heptip: trip through seven dimensions
herem: [Heb.] doomed
heterosuggestion: power of conscious to influence another's subconscious, opposite of autosuggestion
hexip: trip through six dimensions
hier: [Nostrilian] perceive verbal thoughts telepathically
hiershot: [earshot backformation] within telepathic range, dependant on ability to filter thoughts
hinterganger: [vorganger antonym] stalking or following spirit
hites: [Mort Walker] indications of fast movement, trailing air turbulence
hod: splendor
holarchical: [Arthur Koestler] organized into nested hierarchies
homeopathy: "There is a paranormal connection between the whole and each of its parts.", basic principle of fractal mathematics
hook: [Hofstadter] addictive symmeme of a scheme
hozh'q: [Navaho] beauty not only in eye but also heart of beholder and spreading to rest of creation
huh: confusion
hydrokinesis: PK power limited to water
hydropnea: power to breathe water like fish
hyperaemia: power to direct blood and bodily fluids to diseased or injured part of one's body
hyperdimensional: from higher dimension
hyperesthesia: overly heightened powers of perception
hypermnesia: extreme power of remembrance, total recall
hyperportation: hyper-dimensional teleportation
hypnogogic: related to the state between wakefulness and sleep, hypnosis or trance
hypnopompic: related to the state between sleep or trance and wakefulness
hypnoidal: pretrance, eye closing, relaxation
hypnosis: see mesmerism
hypodimensional: from lower dimension
hypoprenia: feeblemindedness
hysteria: psychogenic power to create disease symptoms in body
iant: [Serb.] pride, tending to pridefulness
IBE: [in-body experience] experience with consciousness in body-soul
idea: transcendental reality pattern
identification: sharing of knowledge and power to extent that ego boundary collapses and sharers become indistinguishable
IDI: infra-dimensional intelligence, fallen or demonized ultradimensional, classified by habitat (fiery, aerial, terrestrial, aqueous, subterrestrial, or heliophobic), or by powers (fates, polts, incubi, succubi, marching hosts, familiars, nightmares, deceivers, attackers), as opposed to UDI
igneopnea: power to breathe fire
illogical: not according to the laws of logic
illumination: aka noopneustia, soul-to-soul communication, immediate and direct intra-spiritual influence without use of imagination or suggestion, between sensation and beatific vision, as existed in patriarchs from Fall to Flood
illusionist: person who by power of suggestion spreads erroneous concept or belief
image: common conception symbolizing a basic attitude
imago: idealized, unreal, image of person
imagineering: image-engineering as for hallucination-planting
imbosk: hide or conceal
immobilization: power to telepathically suggest paralysis
immortality: inability of soul to die, even among the second dead
impassibility: ability to resist any bodily evil, such as hunger, thirst, weariness, illness, injury, sadness, pain, death or corruption (Rev 21:4)
impression: externally stimulated, vague idea
incantation: ritual recitation of spell to summon demonic spirit
indotherm: [Mort Walker] indication of radiant heat
infoo: superposition of information and misinformation, especially that begins as former and ends as latter
infra-dimensional: referring to lowerarchical, demonized ultradimensionals between non-being (zero-dimensional) and artificial intelligence (one-dimensional), see IDI
inspiration: influence or action upon intellect or emotions by another
integrity: power of soul to completely control body, self-healing, doing without food or water or sleep
inter-dimensional: referring to compound infinities as in holarchy ("hefty")
interpenetration: power of body to pass spirit-like through doors or walls
interpretation: power to understand meaning of words if heard
intra-dimensionality: power to bridge dimensions
intuition: immediate asensual illumination
invisibility: telepathic power to suggest others not see you (Lk 4:30) or PK power to bend light
invulnerability: power of soul to counter bodily injury
I-rays: [Di Brazza] produced by concentrated thinking, similar aura
IR ray vision: seeing in infrared frequencies
istiqâra: [Arabic] prayerful art of solving problems while dreaming
ITF: instantaneous transference at the speed of thought
jamais éproúve: [Fren.] experiencing the familiar as unfamiliar, opposite of déjà éproúve, includes jamais vû (seeing), jamais entendu (hearing), jamais lû (reading), as with the mooreeffoc effect
jargonaphasia: power to speak jargon, useful for telepaths
jaunting: [Alfred Bester] self-teleporting
jeito: [Brazilian] find way no matter what
Jesus factor: [Edwin Corley] Power that prevents Humans from self-destructing
jeté: leap from one leg to other
jinx: [The "Buzz Flewheart"] someone with power to cause probability interference
jinn: timeloop-bound, without beginning or end, like Melchizedek (Heb. 7:3)
Jonbar point: [John Barr] critical turning point of a eutopic/dystopic dicotomy Y-fork (or threek, or fourk)
jootsy: [Jump-Out-Of-The-System acronym, Dzu-tse] outside "the box"
ka: [Egyptian] doppelganger, double, out-of-body spirit-soul as perceived by own or other mind
kadesh: [Heb.] sanctified, made nazar by will power
kaifuku: [Kamaklian] psychic healing power
kairos: point where time (4D) and timeless (5D) intersect, see debana, Jonbar point
kairokinesis: psi power to move through metatime (5D), see jinn
kairopathy: involuntary crisis-triggered kairokinesis
kairoplasty: power to reshape metatime (6D)
kairoportation: power to move self through metatime (5D)
kaloogian: [Howard Kaloogian] false image accompanying truthful idea
kalokagathia: that which is both good and beautiful
kaloogian: [Howard Kaloogian] with false or misleading image accompanying truthful idea
kangáe judo: [thought judo] use of unbalancing surprise and other's momentum (reductio ad absurdum) against untruth, with analogous techniques from ballet, chess, fencing, singing
kata: [Grk.] downtime, past
Keinplatzing: [Germ. "noplace", Arthur Conan Doyle] mesmeric oobing, see dybbukism (metempsychosis)
keirei: [Japanese] full bow
kenobe: expert
kercha'an: [Trullionese] superhuman effort
khu: [Egyptian] spirit-soul, soul with consciousness focused OOB
kiai: [Jap.] spirit-focusing shout
kibbitz: [Yiddish] offer unwanted advise
Kirlian photography: [Seymon Kirlian] photography of bioelectrical field, possibly aura
knowledge: fact known familiarly, experienced, gives power over self and not-self
knowt: know and also note (know you know)
koan: mind shocker attempting to reach satori
koppelganger: [Ger. koppel "couple"] double doppelgangers
koyaanisqatsi: [Hopi] life so out of balance that a new way of life is called for
Krasnikov paradox exclusion principle: according to general relativity no true time paradoxes are possible (indeterminants can become determined, the unobserved observed or misunderstood, but what is determined by observation cannot become otherwise), time paradoxes are always temporal illusions
kut: [Korean] dressing and undressing in trance state
kuzushi: [Jap.] unbalancing
kvell: [Yiddish] beam with pride
kvetch: [Yiddish] complain, whine
kyaa: [Jap.] see squee
lambda-fork: [L] two-past Jonbar point (see threek, fourk)
largo: [Ital.] slowly, solemnly
legato: [Ital.] smoothly and evenly
levitation: psychokinetic anti-grav power (2 Kgs 6:6, Acts 1:9)
liberation: freeing from possession or oppression
libido: psychic power but particularly when turned inward rather than outward as in agape
líhzílika: [proto-Tibetan] weakness, Achilles' heel, kryptonite
limen: awareness borderline, between hypnogogy and wakefulness
ling: win over by vergal skill
liquification: power to become liquid (and back to solid)
litost: [Czech] sudden awareness of misery
lo-ammi: [Heb.] not-My-people, unbelievers, infidels
locution: power to hear paranormally, ESP4K
logic: laws of reason
logical: according to the laws of logic
logology: study of the power of words, especially the spoken word
logotherapy: [Frankl] method of making subconscious conscious by verbalization
loosening: power to unbind (Jn 20:23), see geas
los: line-of-sight, CE1K
lottle: [lot-little portmanteau] little trying to seem like a lot, like all numbers below omega
lowerarchy: [hierarchy backformation] ranking of the demonic powers, divided into 3 orders of 3 choirs each, see infra-dimensional
LPSM: [logopsychosomatic medicine] holistic healing that includes the Word that affects the mind and body (Wis 16:12)
lusionist: [illusionist backformation] person with power to turn minds to the Reality and away from illusion
macropsy: ESP power to see irrespective of distance, like SSP Q-ray vision, also called telescopic vision. but not through obstacles like nauscopy or X-ray vision
macroscopic: on a large scale, opposite of microscopic
maestoso: [Ital.] majestically
magnanimous: [“big-souled”] high- or heavenly-minded
mal: [Myrinese] telepathee's feeling of being watched from within
mâle: [Fren.] male-impersonating female or asexual like an incubus or ghu
magnetokinesis: power to control magnetic forces
mandala: labyrinthine pattern allegedly useful in traversing deeper inner paths
manimal: man-animal hybrid with dignity of man no matter how animal
march: [Fren.] movement forward
masochism: power to find pain pleasurable
massa: [Heb.] oracle, usually of woe
massah: [Heb.] test, trial
matergoplasty: power to convert matter into energy
materialization: manifesting of immaterial as matter, see teleplasty
mathesis: mental discipline
mattergy: superposition of matter and energy
maurosis: second sight, power to see what would otherwise be invisible
maya: [Sanskrit] immaterialism, suffering-producing misidentification of body as not Real
mecrocosmic: [macrocosmic:?:: ?:microcosmic] superposition of macrocosmic and microcosmic
mecroscopic: [macroscopic:?::?:microscopic] on an intermediate scale, between macroscopic and microscopic, or a superposition of both
meditation: non-verbal prayer more easily opening one to revelation
meeble: efficiently meander without cross one's path
melancholic: (Daredevil/Green Lantern, DG) thoughtful, contemplative type mind (high-dopamine/low-endorphin) but needing CE8K purification (Prv 30:12), includes inspectors (IDBG), protectors (IDWG), supervisors (VDBG) and providers (VDWG)
melding: linking telepathically, CE3K mesmerism or physically
membot: robonomic meme addict
meme: [memory gene, Richard Dawkins] mind-shaping thought, fashion, innovation, inspiration
meme allergy: [Glenn Grant] hypersensitivity to a particular meme
memetics: study of memes
meni: [Heb.] destiny, plan of God
mental gymnastics: includes elements from dance, martial arts, gamesmanship, music
mepaphysical: [me(ta)pa(ta)physics] beyond the pataphysical
mepatime: [me(ta) + pa(ta)time] aka time-4, 7-D, subjective time of the patatime (6D) traveler
meraki: soul/creativity/love
meribah: [Heb.] contention, quarreling
merochronic: in "true" subjective time of hyperdimensional observer wrt the hypodymensional observed's
mesmeric: [Franz Mesmer] aka hypnotic, CE1K spieking with domination and usually with eye contact
metagnomy: trance-induced clairvoyance
metaphysical: beyond the physical
metatime: aka time-2, 5-D, subjective time dimension of the out-of-body (OOB) or time (4D) traveler
metempiric: beyond explaining, fortean
metempsychosis: involuntary mindswapping, usually with amnesia
metonymy: power to speak in euphemisms, very difficult for possessed
MI: [machine intelligence] machine designed to mimic intelligence
microscopic vision: clairvoyance at microscopic level
mimicry, power: power to mimic another's power
mind-bending: producing hallucinatory or emotional effects
mind-blindness: inability to see Truth (2 Cor 4:4)
mind block: detecting and blocking of a telepathic assault
mind-blowing: producing dangerous hallucinatory or intensely emotional effects
mind-boggling: producing overwhelming intellectual or emotional effects
mind-clone: aka stemeid, replication of memories and personality of person as in android body, but without soul, as with body-clone, not the same as the original
mind control: overpowering telepathic heterosuggestion
mind detector: telepath specializing in detecting other minds
mindjacking: forcibly taking control of another's mind
mindlink: point at which contact between two (or more) minds is made
mindnumbing: weak mindcontrol limited to slowing or blocking thought
mindscape: scene seen by mind's eye
mindset: fixed mental state that predetermines responses to and interpretation of perceptions
mind shield: blocking of undetected telepathic assault
mindsight: seeing with mind's eye
mindswapping: double dybbukism, each spirit-soul controlling the other's body, see metempsychosis
mindsweeper: telepath specializing in sweeping surface thoughts of many minds
mismeme: [Richard Bergland] misshaping thought, fashion, innovation or inspiration
mitty: [Walter Mitty] simultaneously real and imaginary, twi
mocroscopic: [macroscopic:microscopic::microscopic:?] below both macroscopic and microscopic, submicroscopic
mojo: power to impose own will on others'
mo kita: [Kiriwana, New Guinea] unspoken truth
mooreeffooc effect: [G. K. Chesterton, coffeeroom ananym] experiencing the familiar as unfamiliar, jamais vu
morphing: changing shape paranormally or with transmogrifier
morphogenic field: [Rupert Sheldon] immaterial memory of self-organizing life-forms and crystals, similar to akashic record
moxie: courage, daring, spirit or drink boosting same
mu: [Jap.] answer to question revealing total misunderstanding
mucroscopic: superposition of mocroscopic and mycroscopic
mukzib: [Persian] lie-encourager
mulct: take away by trickery
multiplication: apportation with seed-material
multipresence: power including bilocation, trilocation, or more, but less than divine omnipresence
mund: [Bigsby O'Deere] dim mind
musar: [Heb.] discipline, removal, withdrawal
mwah: non-physical kiss
mycroscopic: below even mucroscopic, impossible to see physically, below Heisenberg uncertainty limit
nadi: [Balinese] be temporally in unreality
naisuka: [Beaujolais] unreasonable reason
narcolepsy: power to instantly fall asleep
nazar: [Heb.] sacred, consecrated, dedicated to God by a vow
nauscopy: power to see irrespective of distance or obstacles, line-of-sight clairvoyance, probably ESP1K plus X-ray SSP
negentropy: [negative entropy] measure of order, information
neoflect: [Mort Walker] indication of newness
neologism: newly coined word made by portmanteauing, punning, spoonerizing
netzach: victory, firmness
nglayap: [Indon.] wander purposely
noemics: study of understanding
noology: study of intuition
noopneustia: see illumination
noosphere: all human thought on a planet as a whole, see philotic web
normalization: power to make a super person normal
notion: vague, tentative or chance idea
noumena: intuitive evidence as opposed to phenomena
N-ray vision: [René Prosper Blondlot] postcognitive clairvoyance, ability to see what no longer is, see askashic record
NSP: non-sensory perception as in trance or sensory deprivation
Novikov principle: time paradoxes are impossible because any attempt to change the past causes the same future just perhaps with a differently observed present between
numinosity: astonishing, stupefying other-worldliness where inaccessible transcendence and beatific presence meet
nying-tul: [Tibetan] tertiary tulpa, like Geordi LaForge's James Moriarty's "Regina Barthalomew Moriarty" or Noonian Soong's Data's Lal, Iron Ager wrt Golden Age
obsession: mind influencing, between suggestion and possession
Oedipus effect: [Brian M. Stableford] paradoxical effect that with or without precognition proves "Que sera sera."
oeyeo: [Aols] concentrate
ojigi: [Japanese] respectful bow
olam: [Heb.] eternal or The Eternal
omnipresence: divine power to be in all locations at once
ont'a: [Hainish] love/hate
OOBE: [out-of-body or extra-corporeal experience] experience with consciousness in spirit-soul, not body-soul via illusion or lusion (Reality)
OOBSE: out-of-body-soul experience
ooby: fifth dimensional, like OOBE
OOC: [out of character] not behaving as usual
OOOBE: [out-of-own-body experience acronym] mindswaping, metempsychosis
oopo: [out-of-place-object] object not in its proper place-time, timetravel evidence
OOSE: [out-of-spirit or extra-spiritual experience] experience with consciousness focused both out-of-body and out-of-spirit-soul as when in metatime (5D)
oosy: sixth dimensional, like OOSE
opinion: view, judgment or appraisal
OQ: [outelligence quotient] measure of outelligence
ostranenie: [Rus.] familiar made strange, see mooreeffooc effect
o-teel: see OTL
OTL: [our timeline] home timeline of timetravellers
outcantation: [incantation backformation] ritual recitation of exorcism prayer to banish spirit
outelligence: [intelligence backformation] "intelligence" planted from outside as in demon-possessed fetish or talisman or AI or MI
outspiration: [inspiration backformation] "inspiration" from unholy spirits, opposite of true intuition from the Holy Spirit
oxplo: [occult exploitation] ignorant promotion of occultism to the ignorant
pain insensitivity: standard test for OOB state
pandemonium: state in which all demonic activity is unrestrained
papatime: [pata- + patatime] aka time-5, 8-D, subjective time of the mepatime (7D) traveler
paralipsis: [Greek] apparently insufficient information
paralogic thinking illogically, llogically or jootsically
parapsychology: study of the paranormal mind
parapsychophysics: study of psychokinetics, apportation, levitation
parapsychophysiology: study of stigmata
parapsychosis: severe mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality caused by abuse of psi powers
paresthesia: misinterpreted powers of perception
parry: defensive action
pasrah: [Indon.] leave problem to God
patabolism: beyond body's metabolism
pataphysical: beyond the metaphysical
patatime: [epi metatime] aka time-3, [Cordwainer Smith], 6D, subjective time of the out-of-spirit-body or metatime (5D) traveler
pathos: [Grk. "suffering"] tender pity, compassion, sadness
pekopeko: [japanese] repeasted groveling
pentip: trip through five dimensions
perkatory: [purgatory backformation] state between death and eternal damnation in which unsaved souls work off the effects of their good deeds
petrification: power to make animate inanimate
pfolt: combination foltergeist and poltergeist, both tortuous and noisy
phantom: materialized spirit
pheph: ["post hoc, ergo propter hoc" acronym] illogically assuming that causality is chronological
philotic web: all non-human thought, see gestalt, noosphere
phlegmatic: (Prof. X/Batman, XB) calm, unemotional type mind (low-dopamine/low-endorphin) but needing CE8K dependence (Prv 30:11), includes subtypes: masterminds (IXBG), architects (IXBP), field marshals (VXBG) and inventors (VXBP)
prophet: person speaking God's message
photokinesis: power limited to light
photophobic: morbidly afraid of the Light (vampires, night demons)
phrontistery: place for study and contemplation
piano: [Ital.] softly
pilpul: ingenious, hair-splitting, penetrating argument
piodi: see POD
pirouette: movement of spirit-soul analogous to spinning on one foot with other raised
pistology: study of faith
plane: see pok, pot
plewd: [Mort Walker] indication of weariness or stress
ploggly: hypotetical construct, however improbable, that furthers investigation of phenomena
po: [posthuman] someone misthinking him/herself, no longer connected to his/her humble origins
POD: [point of departure] point where visited timeline departs from that of timetraveller's
poiesis: creativity
pok: plane of knowledge, see pot, noosphere
polt: [Germ. poltergeist "noisy spirit" contraction] teleacoustic agent whether RSPK or not
possession: control of body-soul by another spirit, heterosuggestion beyond obsession
posternateral: [preternatural backformation] referring to paranormal powers which will be normal after glorification
postcognition: power to know past events, sometimes mistaken for inherited memory or reincarnation evidence
posthypnotic: resulting from suggestion of hypnotized by hypnotist
pot: plane of tranquility, outside or disconnected from noosphere, see pok
poultrygeist: polt that makes clucking and scratching noises
pov: point of view
PPO: [permanently paranormal object] object which is the focus of miraculous power, relics; as opposed to a temporarily paranormal object (TPO) which is the focus of magical power, talismans, charms
pneuma: [Heb.] spirit, wind, breathe
prayer: includes ever more spiritual, less corporal, levels of verbal prayer, meditative prayer, affective prayer, prayer of simplicity, prayer of quiet, (night of the soul), prayer of union (ecstasy) to spiritual marriage (CE8K)
precog: [Philip K. Dick] person with precognitive power
precognition: foresight, non-prophetic power to know the future
preincarnation: delusion that a soul will live more than once, based on misinterpreted precognition or postcognition misidentified as precognition
premonition: unfocused sensation of future event, hunch
preternatural: referring to once normal powers, now paranormal, e. g., original tardemah of Adam and Eve (Gen)
primary: of the first kind, line-of-sight
probabilities: whatever is as yet unobserved, below the Hiesenberg limit
prognostics: science linking exeligmology with pronetics
promnesia: future memory, see déjà éproúve
prophesy: true precognition that comes only from God
propinquity: physical or metaphysical nearness, CE4K
prosopopoeia: [Greek] lending speech to inanimate
psensor: person with power to sense others with powers
pseudo-mysticism: [Aftermystik] imitation of true mysticism, usually while in trance state (Acts 16:16-19) or voodoo
psi: [psyche initial] paranormal powers of ESP or PK or both ESPK
psibernetics: [psi cybernetics] cybernetics as applied to enhance psi powers
psi-borg: cyborg with psibernetic implants, too often involuntarily
psi-chiatrist [Daniel Danjean] psychic psychiatrist
psichopath: [Darrell T. Langhart] psi-powered psychopath
psience: pseudoscience attempting to reproduce irreproducible psi phenomena
psilent: with unreadable mind
psiolist: [psi sciolist] someone with superficial knowledge of psi powers
psionics: [Joseph Campbell, electron:electronics::psi:?] study and use of psi
psionophobia: morbid fear of psi powers or those with them
psiontist: [Dr. E. E. Smith] student trained in psionics
psiology: study of psi powers, including psionics, psychokinetics, and telepathology
psiospher: someone with pretended knowledge of psi powers
psi powers: [Robert Thouless and W. P. Weisner] remnant preternatural abilities
psitopathy: [psychic cytopathy] cell destruction by psi power
psychalgia: mental pain
psychasthenic: characterized by phobia, obsession, compulsion
psychiasis: soul healing
psychodelic: generating hallucinations, delusions or altered states of perception
psychography: writing while under the influence of another mind
psychometry: [J. R. Buchanan] touch clairvoyance (ESP3K), usually postcognitive but also precognitive (Adrienne Frost, Abe "Icthyo" Sapien)
psychophonics: phone ring precognition
psychotronics: aka energetics, study of bioenergy or aura SSP
psychotropic: having an altering effect on perception or behavior
psycho-valency: [Charles Fort] measure of mind's receptivity to new ideas
psyjacking mind-abduction
psytocracy: society artificially stabilized by mind control technology
psywar: psionic warfare
pufwack: [acronym] all the gifts of the Holy Spirit: piety, understanding, fortitude, wisdom, and counsil, knowledge
pukkukkta: [Kifish] revenge
purgatory: state between death and eternal life in which saved souls work off the effects of their misdeeds
pusillanimous: weak-souled, cowardly, immature
puta: [Jap.] not ta, not understanding and so too serious
pyrokinesis: PK power limited to randomly move (heat) molecules and so start fires
pysmatics: question asking without answer finding
q'zhoh: [proto-Tibetan hozh’q] ugliness in eye and heart trying to spread chaos
QD effect: [quarterly distribution] consequence of the truism that the paranormal is not normal and so normally is a transient and wild talent
qoorqab: [Somali] uncastrated camel
Q-ray vision: SSP telescopic vision, see macroscopy
quaffle: [Grotian] revive
quantum Zeno effect: observation inhibits quantum (or paranormal) event, basis of Fetridge's Law
quyma: [acronym] questions you might ask
rapport: harmonious, mutual confidence-building connection between two minds to, possibly, the point of mindcontrol
raskh: [Pers.] plant possession
raumgeist: [Germ. spirit of the space] haunt, space-bound spirit
regeneration: ability to re-grow injured body parts
reiding: [speak:speik::read:?] mindreading
reincarnation: delusion that a soul has lived more than once, misinterpreted postcognition or ancestral memory
reintegration: power to reverse disintegration
relevance, law of: "The most relevant paranormal connection is that most pertaining to the matter at hand."
relic, first class: see PPO, whole or part of saint's body as focus for prayer power; second class: aka brandea, what saint touched as focus for prayer power ; third class: what brandea has touched as focus for prayer power; fourth class: non-relic; zeroth relic: [Johannes Bremer] Holy Eucharist
reliquary: relic container
rem: rapid eye movement indicating dream state
remise: [Fren] immediate replacement of missed attack
replication: see multipresence
reprise: [Fren.] restart of attack
residuals: paranormal powers still retained but uncontrolled by fallen soul
resurrection: supernatural rejoining of disembodied soul with body
retconning: rewriting the past
rêve à beaucoup: [Fren.] dream shared by many
rêve à deux: [Fren.] dream shared by two
revelation: knowledge otherwise unknowable given by knowledgeable to ignorant
revivification: unnatural rejoining of disembodied soul with body as with undead
riposte: attack followed by successful parry
ritardando: [Ital.] gradual slowing in tempo
robonomic: made robot-like as in cyborg or brainwashing or meme addiction
rope-a-dope: letting opponent wear self out
RSPK: [repetitive spontaneous PK] paranormal rather than supernatural polt
rubato: [Ital.] with varying tempo
sabbat: aka witches' sabbat, ritual group gathering in or OOB
sabsung: [Thai] quenching an inexpressible emotional or spiritual thirst
sacramental: object empowered by prayer and/or ritual with paranormal power
saikeirei: [Japanese] fuller-than-full bow
sainoo: [Japanese] special power beyond siddhi
saligia: [Lat. acronym, superbia (pride), avartia (avarice), luxuria (excess), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath), acedia (sloth)] that which can prevent spiritual progress, the seven deadly vices combined, associated respectively with Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Satan, and Belphegor, anglicized to WASPLEG (wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony)
salut: [Fren.] formal beginning of contest
sanctity: holiness that can be smelled (Catherine of Ricci)
sanguine: (DP, Daredevil/Plastic Man) enthusiastic, strongly feeling type mind (low-dopamine/high-endorphin) but needing CE8K fulfillment (Prv 30:14), includes subtypes: crafters (IDBP), composers (IDWP), promoters (VDBP) and performers (VDWP)
sapernt: with some empathic powers, like pets
saramanda: [Jap.] lifeforce
sat: [Sanskrit] light, logos, knowledge, happiness of soul
satori: flash of insight
satyagraha: [Hindi "truth force", Gandhi "grasping for truth"] power of loving submission, longsuffering non-violence
scheme: [Hofstadter] symmeme complex
schlep: [Yiddish] lug, carry, transport
scintilla: [Lat. "spark"] that which reaches out when the spirit-soul acts OOB, super-consciousness
scotography: superposition of infrared and ultraviolet to produce pseudovisible light images
scotoplasty: shadow animation as by photophobic IDIs
scrying: using fire, water, ink, blood, mirror, crystal, etc. for sieing
secondary: of the second kind, with limited range
Second Adam's Law: all can be saved from the First Adam's Law because of the Second Adam, see First Adam’s Law
second death: soul-dead, with only dead thoughts and feelings, afterlife of the damned without clarity or integrity, and eventually even without agility, yet with immortality
second sight: paranormal power to see spirits as in seers
seer: one with power of second sight, sieing
self-detonation: power to explosively disassemble body
self-mastery: mastering of passions particularly by strengthening will power and practicing discernment
sensitative: referring to midlevel functions of animal soul
seriality: [Kammerer] coincidence clumping
shalom: [Heb.] inner peace, tranquility, see pot
shaloham: [shalom, aloha portmanteau] peace, love, hello, goodbye
shapeshifting: power to change bodily shape by morphing, telepathic suggestion or moving hyperdimensionally
shared dreaming: unconscious telepathy, subliminal extrasensory perception, SLESP
shekinah: glory
sheminith: [Heb. basses, male choir] masculinity, ying
shielding: blocking of ESPK as if by a force field
shiqqus shomem: [Heb.] horrible abomination, desolating sin
shooples: [Berke Breathed] hites indicating downward movement
siddhi: [Sanskrit "perfections"] attainable superhuman powers such as superstrength, resistance to heat or cold, clairvoyance, levitation
sieing: [speak:spiek:: see:?] seeing with mind's eye aka "remote view"
silver cord: vital umbilical-like connection between body and soul-body
sim: [Lat. simulacrum] false image or re-presentation
similarity, law of: "There is a paranormal connection between any two similar things.", operating principle of voodoo dolls
sirind: [Persian] entangle to trip up
sitnah: [Heb] opposition
skepsipol: thought hiccough caused by distress of attempted doublethink
skriff [E. R. Jones, M. Joseph Young] self-survival sliding energy
sliding: ["Sliders"] sideward timetravel in 5D
somopsychotic: [pychosomatic antonym] unsound body producing an unsound mind
sonar: SSP aka echolocation
sonic scream: power to amplify one's scream
sorcery: tapping into residual psi powers via diabolic mediation, tending to damage natural powers
sostento: [Ital.] sustained or prolonged
soul: [Lat. anima, animus] animating essence of person, in only two kinds, masculine and feminine even in androgens or hermaphrodites
spell: ritualistic CE4K to try to manipulate psi power
sphalm: erroreous or mistaken belief or doctrine
spieking: [Nostrilian] power to transmit telepathically
Spirit: Holy Spirit, Third Person of Trinity
spirit: non-corporeal or disembodied intelligence
spirit-soul: [spiritus, pneuma] with soul consciousness focused out-of-body much more than in-body
spiritual: with focus on spirit-soul, immaterial, much more than on body-soul, material
spiritual marriage: CE8K
spirituelle: [Fren.] with refined mind and wit
spizorinkum: tireless energy, right stuff
splits: drop with legs in opposite directions
splurge: [Monty Python's Flying Circus] yes yet technically also possibly no
sprezzatura: effortless technique
spur: [spurious contraction] spurious reception
spurl: [Mort Walker] indication of dizziness or intoxication
SQ: [Sentience Quotient] log of information processing efficiency in bits/second/kilogram
squeans: [Mort Walker] indications of drunkenness or sickness
squee: [Jap. kyaa] pleasurable desire for that desired
squick(y): (with) negative, disgusting or disturbing emotional response
SSP: [super-sensory perception] above normal, but not paranormal, perception, 4th level (YIV) consciousness, e. g., X-ray, infrared, ultraviolet vision, infrasound, ultrasound, radio wave hearing
staccato: crisply and sharply
stam: [Hebrew] just because that's the way God made it
starhopping: interstellar line-of-sight traveling clairvoyance or teleportation (ESPK1K)
stigmatist: person with stigmata
strephosymbolia: letter reversal
stuporstition: false belief that induces stupification
sua: [Aols] remember, postcognate
subconscious: subliminal knowledge in soul much greater than conscious knowledge, such as surfaces during sleep
sublimation: power to becomes gaseous (and back to solid)
subliminal: below conscious, but not subconscious, awareness
substantiation: power to give substance to insubstantial
subtility: power of soul to "spiritualize" the body (1 Cor 15:44)
suggestion: mind influencing less powerful than obsession, as in mesmerism, auto- or hetero-
superbreath: collumnated air PK
superliminal: knowledge unknowable except by transference from higher to lower soul
superpositioning: when quantum states both are and are not simultaneously (Earth-Prime, the tulpa-like Silver Age Earth-1, Golden Age Earth-2, Capt. Marvel's Earth-S, Crime Syndicate of America's Earth-3)
superspeed: power to alter subjective time wrt others'
superstrength: PK3K, power to overpower gravitational or material binding forces
surreal: more real than real, really Real
sutemi: [Jap.] sacrifice for greater good
swir vision: shortwave infrared SSP
symmeme: meme in mutually assisting scheme
synaesthesia: power to translate one sensation is into another
synchronism: linkage that appears to be mere coincidence
synecdoche, law of: "The part, specific or material, is equivalent to the whole, general or object."
synteresis: power to intuit supreme principles of being, thought, morality
ta: [Jap.] understand so well as to take lightly
Taji's syndrome: radiation-triggered psi powers
talisman: artifact with transferred paranormal power, see relic
tangri: [Gundran] mental self-defense
tao: [pronounced dow] superposition of ying and yang, hierogamy
tangst: [teen angst portmanteau] angst felt during adolescence, manifesting as polt
tardemah: [Hebrew] body and/or mindmelding like the state of Adam before Eve's "birth" when they literally were "one flesh", CE9K
tassifoduma: [Pistach] neighborliness
tawil: [Ismali] reading on several levels simultaneously and even the silences between words
technopathy: PK limited to machines, see cyberkinesis
teleacoustic: having to do with rappings, see polt
teleathesia: power to perceive from a distance
telek: ["telekinetic" contraction] person with telekinetic powers
telekinesis: aka TK, power to move something from a distance, "mind over matter"
telekinetics: study of telekinesis
teleklutzism: klutzy telekinesis
telempathy: power to sense feelings at a distance
teleology: study of purposefulness ("Der Herr Gott wuerfelt nicht." -- Einstein)
telepathee: someone whose mind is reidable
telepathist: telepathic psychiatrist
telepathology: study of telepathy
telepathy: [Frederick W. H. Myers] mind-to-mind communication, perhaps I-ray SSP
teleplasty: paranormal action upon natural to change its shape or make invisible visible, see transmogrification
teleportation: aka 'porting, transporting one's self to another location in space-time (4D), see bampfing, jaunting, whiffling
telepresence: being "present" at a distance in a robot or holograph via remote control
telescopic vision: ESP1K, line-of-sight distance clairvoyance
telligence: [intelligence backformation] power to forget, misunderstand or ignore new ideas
termangu-mangu: [Indon.] sad and not sure what to do
tertiary: of the third kind, only when in physical contact
tetrachromat: colorblindness carrier with SSP cone able to distinguish 108 hues, many more than trichromat (106) or dichromat (104)
tetrip: trip through four dimensions
thermokinesis: power to control temperature
thermoneurosis: power to control own body temperature
thfif-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 5th degree tulpa
thflewt-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 12th degree tulpa
thnain-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 9th degree tulpa
thneveli-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 11th degree tulpa
thnet-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 10th degree tulpa
thneves-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 7th degree tulpa
thought: result of meditation, reflection or ratiocination
threat: [Hofstadter] symmeme that discourages scheme rejection
threek: [4:3::fork:?] three-branch Y- or Lambda-fork
throf-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 4th degree tulpa
thskis-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 6th degree tulpa
thtie-tul: [Proto-Tibetan] 8th degree tulpa
time-knot: [Cordwainer Smith] convoluted multiple time-looping
time-loop: aka closed forward/pastward worldline
time-stopping: perpendicular metatime (5D) travel
tiphereth: beauty
tla: [temporal lobe activity] brain activity associated with time distortion, chronoportation
tohu-bohu: [Heb. Gen 1:2] emptiness, despair, confusion, chaos
torb: [Musæan] criminal/foolish/helpless
touch telepathy: ESP3K, limited to when in physical contact like psychometry, Vulcan mindmeld
TPO: object possessing paranormal powers only until the possessing demon is exorcised or the curse on it broken, talismans or charms, as opposed to a PPO
trance: state beyond sleep or hypnogogy, opposite of ecstasy
transfiguration: mere shadow of final bodily glorification
transmigration: power of disembodied soul to control an embodied one and so psychosomatically changing the host body, not the same as metempsychosis
transmogrification: teleplastia especially into fantastic or bizarre shapes, as in pantropy or mutation
transmutation: power to change on the nuclear level as lead to gold
transubstantiation: power to change a substance without changing its appearance
T-ray vision: terahertz frequency SSP between visible and radio
trichromat: three cones able to distinguish 106 hues, many less than tetrachromat (108) or dichromat (104)
trilby: [Svengali's mind-slave Trilby O'Ferrell] mind-controlled
trilocation: power to focus consciousness in-body (4D), out-of-body and out-of-spirit-body in metatime (5D) at the same 6D "time"
trip: movement through three dimensions, usually latitude, longitude and into future
trompe l'oeil: [Fren. trick of the eye] 2-D seen as 3-D, CE1K interdimensionalization
truc: [Fren. "trick"] artistic and acrobatic operation
true-dreaming: having a precognitive dream of an actual possible future (John)
trumor: [true rumor portmanteau] rumor mistakenly take as true
tukuan: [Jap.] understanding that opposition or obscurity or poverty are temporary
tulpa: manifestation of subcreation or paranormal power as in bilocation, fakirism, imaginary friendship, e.g., Noonien Soong's "Juliana Tainer Soong", the Binar's "Minuet", Golden Age JSA (1939-1955) wrt Silver Age JLA (1956-69) wrt Bronze Age (1970-79) wrt Iron Age (1980-2000), see yang-tul, nying-tul
tulpoid: [Thomas Bearden] tulpa-like materialization of thoughtform
tutti: [Ital.] all together
tulud: [Somali] lone camel
tween: [between elision] with intermediate ESPK powers between dormant and fully activated
twi: [Twilight Zone backformation] weightiness of mundanity ("shadow"), see dorthy, mitty
uchikomi: [Jap.] unfinished practice
UDI: ultra-dimensional intelligence, see IDU, fka angel
uh-oh: worry
uh-uh: disagreement
ulf vision: ultra-low frequency SSP
ultradimensional: from beyond dimension rather than from higher (hyper-dimensional) or between (inter-dimensional) them, like angels, demons or metatime (5D) travelers
ultrasonic scream: higher-than-audible sonic scream
um: indecision
undeath: unnatural forced union of soul and body after natural death, as in vampires, zombis, temporary postponement of second death
understanding: (yahimpaj) grasp, comprehension of general relations of the particular
un-huh: agreement
unreal: what is only imagined to be real, CE0K
unronic: misidentified as ironic, see dironic
uptious: with knowledge gained by continual contact
uttori: [Jap.] enraptured by loveliness
uv vision: ultraviolet SSP
vaccime: [Glenn Grant] meta-meme that converse immunity to other memes, e. g., faith
vampire: variety of undead, soul-less body unnaturally kept from second death by demonic mediation and someone else's life-giving blood, like rootless plant
vegetative: referring to lower functions of plant soul
verbigeration: power to repeat seemingly meaningless phrases
vicaria: form without matter as in disembodied spirits
vierfachganger: [Ger.] fourth "double"
vigoroso: [Ital.] vigorously
vilb: [Denebian] non-joy
virtualization: replacement of reality with virtual "reality"
visionary: one who has visions (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17)
vites: [Mort Walker] indication of vertical movement, air turbulance, see see zipple and shooples
vitological: pseudo-life studied by vitology, including purely software Etherates (Colossus, HAL), person-like mind-clones, or soft/hardware hybrid Nanoids
vivace: [Ital.] briskly
volition: free will
volt: sudden movement to dodge opponents thrust
voltergeist: [Germ. electrifying ghost] spirit with power to generate electricity
vorganger: [Germ.] usually invisible but audible harbinger or premonition
vu: [virtual unreality] virtual "reality" so turned in on itself as to have no effect on outside reality
wabi: [Jap.] flaw that produces more beautiful, unique whole
wafteron: [Mort Walker] indication of air-borne odor
walk-in: New Age for dybbuk
ware-withall: awareness of both inside and out, software, hardware and wetware
watchedfulness: SSP or ESP awareness of being watched
waterwalking: touch levitation over water, PK3K
wei-wu-wei: [Chin.] conscious inaction, doing nothing at the proper time and for the proper reason
Weltschmerz: [Germ.] romantic but gloomy world-weariness
wetware: non-AI intelligence
whammie: ["Evil Eye" Fleegle] evil eye, CE1PK; double whammie: two evil eyes 2CE1PK
whiffle: [Grotian] teleport
wibble: render speechless by overwhelming emotion
witchcraft: use of spells, incantations and potions (wolf's bane, nightshade, henbane, devil's milk, devil's claw, wormwood, marijuana, peyote) to unnaturally trigger paranormal powers
wreiting: [speak:spiek::write:?] thought-planting, telepathy limited to transmitting thoughts to another
X-ray vision: X-ray frequency SSP or cryptoscopic ESP
yang-tul: [Tibetan] secondary tulpa, imaginary friend's imaginary friend, e. g., Noonien Soong's "Lal", Geordi LaForge's "Countess Regina Bartholomew", Bronze Ager wrt Golden Age or Iron Ager wrt Silver Ager, see nying-tul
yarva: [Grimalkinese] mind talk, speiking
Y-fork: two-future Jonbar point (see threek and fourk)
ymmir: [Your mind makes it real.] mind-over-matter principle
yoin: [Jap.] experience that continues to work interiorly long after initial stimuli, linking past and present, experience and experiencer
yugen: [Jap.] awareness of creation so intense as to trigger feelings too deep and mysterious for words
zanshin: [Jap.] relaxed yet alert even when in danger
zazen: [Jap.] silent, seated meditation
Zeitgeist: [Germ. spirit of the time] prevailing noospheric climate of a space-time (4D) era
Zeitlosgeist: [Germ. spirit of timeless] prevailing noospheric climate of an area of metatime (5D), analogous to Zeitgeist
zeitschmerz: [Germ.] weariness with time, nostalgia for hometime
zen: [Jap.] meditation, as opposed to contemplation
zipples: [Berke Breathed] hites indicating upward movement
zoë: [Grk.] spirit-life, contrasted with bios
zombi: soul-less body unnaturally kept from dying by power of sorcery or mind-controlled living
zuberous: overenthusiastic
zygophrenia: "Siamese-twin" mental state near loss of ego boundary, ESP9K