The languages found in The Rise and Fall of the Sheshak Empire are not as difficult as they may appear. They are almost entirely from the huge Globix family, originating in the Globus constellation, which in turn came from Reformed Old Anglish. in which X represented the sound SH; C represents TS; J represents ZH; Q represents KH; W represents UU, and X represents SH. The apparently random vowel and consonant shifts are actually well known and codified into the name given the language.


The most ancient continuously used language is proto-Tibetan, used by the Rock Men of Mongo, Zatara the Magician, the Arretians, Monetans, Hrarf-Harf and Iarcho, among others. “In the beginning was the word.” would be pronounced approximately as “Dîw əÞ zəw ŋĭnnĭgīb əÞ nĭ.” and by convention transliterated as “Drow eht saw gninnigeb eht ni.”


This ancestral language, whose name means “Language”, is a very useful one for time travelers in prehistory since it remained relatively unchanged for over seven millennia from 9000 BC to 2247 BC.

BABEL TEXT (Genesis 11:1-9)

1. En so Ter skap ko oino Dghū,

(And the earth had one language and one tongue,)

2. En gwā-koud so ne gwhākap-to per so aus, gwā-to de strekhap-plat-kom en so Shinar-lendhap, en to mag-to leip-plākap-to.

(And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place.)

3. En sekw-to oino de al-oino, "Gwā-yu, mag-lē-nesludh, en ghwer-lē-neskowel en kap-to ghwer-ludh per stei, kwopon-to ghedhwisteig-er.”

(And they said one to another, "Come, let us make bricks, burning them well and they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth.")

4. En sekw-to, “Gwā-yu, mag-lē-nesdhūno en turkwokapghē-wel-koupo al al-swā Ak en mag-lē-nes meg-nōmen so tegwhāk-magh-nes-ne uper so hāap-Ters.”

("And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth.")

5. En so Werghwer-kodhūno to-sekwtedhūno en teturkwoteap-Adhammagh-te.

("And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building.")

6. En so Wersekw-ko, “Sekw-yu, teer al oino popul en kap-te al oino Dghū en teer oino līktesterap-kwo-magh-dhē-te en nu wel-ne-bheu-kopoti de kēpte per oino perpauap-te."

("And the Lord said, ‘See, they are all one people and have all one language and this is only the start of what they may do and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs.")

7. Gwā-yu, ghē-lē-nesdhūno en taka-wegh-nes Dghū, so tewel-ne-bheu-poti-magh-ne-tete-swekele de oino-al-oino.

("Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another.")

8. So so Wer sent-kotewegh en-de alap-Ters en upo-ghabh-temeghdhūnoap-te.

("So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth and they gave up building their town.")

9. So nōmen-teko Babel, as to so Wer taka-wegh Dghū en per to so Wer sent-ko teweghu per al Ters.

("So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.")

ad- to, near, at

ag- drive, draw, move

agh- day

ag-ro- driving, pursuing, grabbing

agro- field

ag-to- one-who-goes/moves/acts

ag-ty-o- weighty

ais- wish, desire

ais-sk- ask, seek

aiw- life

aiw-en- age, vital force

aiw-wekti- anything

aiw-o- long life

aiwo-tā(ti)- age

aiwo-t-erno- eternal

ak-(yā)- sharp

ak-ē- acid

ak-ēto- vinegar

ak-i- needle

ak-onā- ear of grain

ak-u- ear

ak-mā- point

ak-men- stone tool

ak-onā- independently created in

āk-ri- bitter, acrid

ak-ri-bhwo- tart

ak-ro- topmost

akw-ā- water

al- beyond, grow, nourish

albho- white

aldh- get well

al-na- all

al-tero- other of two

al-to- grown

alu- sorcery, magic, possession, intoxication

alu-t- ale

alyo- other of more than two

ambi- around, about

an(a)- on, up, at the rate of

anǝ- breathe

anǝ-mo- breath

angh- tight, painfully constricted, painful

angh-os- anger

angh-os-ti- angst

angh-os-to- anguish

ansu- spirit, demon

ant- front

ant-bhi from both sides

an-tero- other

anti- against

anti-ǝkwo- appearing before

anto- end

ap- off, away

apo- also

ap(o)-tero- after

ap-t-is- again

apu-ko- awkward

ar(ǝ)- fit together

ar(ǝ)-dhro- joint

ar(ǝ)-isto- best

ar(ǝ)-mo- arm

ar(ǝ)-smo- harmony

ar(ǝ)-ti- art

ar(ǝ)-ti-o- fitting, even

ar(ǝ)-to- tight

ar(ǝ)-tu- article

arg- shine

arg-ent- argentium, silver, shining metal

arg-i-l(l)- argil, white clay

arg-i-n- brilliant

argu- brilliance, clarity, argue

(a)rī-dhmo- arithmetic

as- burn, glow

ās-ā- altar

asd- dry

ās-ē- arid

asg- ash

at- go

āter- fire

at-no- year, period gone through

ātro- black, blackened by fire

atro- ǝkw- frightening, atrocious, black-looking

ātr-yo- atrium

au- perceive

aug- increase

augs- aid, support, assistance

aus- shine

ausōs- dawn

awi- bird

aw(is)-dh- place perceive

aw(is)-dh-yo- audio, hear

awo- uncle

ayer- day, morning

ayes- copper, bronze

bak- staff, rod

bel- strong

bhā- shine, speak

bha-bhā- broad bean

bhad- good

bhag- share

bhāghu- bough

bhāgo- beech

bhags- give

bhā-ma- fame

bhā-ni- boon

bha-ko- lentil

bhardh-ā- beard

bhar(e)s- barley

bhau- strike

bha-un- bean

bhegw- run

bhei- bee

bheid- split

bheidh- trust, confide, persuade

bheidh-es- confederation

bhel- shine, flash, burn

bhelgh- swell

bhend- bind

bhǝ-n-yo- fantasy

bher- carry

bhereg- shine, bright, white

bhergh- hide, protect, high

bhermen-to- ferment

bherw- fervor

bhes- breathe

bhǝ-to- confess, profess

bhǝw- have intercourse with woman

bheudh- aware

bheu(e)- exist, grow

bheugh- bow

bhǝ-w-es- light

bhi- around

bhibhru- brown animal

bhid- bit

bhidh- faith

bhid-ro- bitter

bhi-gwem- become

bhi-gwet-ti- bequest

bhḷ- bowl

bhlē- blow

bhlǝ-to- blade

bhleu- bloat, swell, well up, overflow

bhleugw- flow

bhlē-wo- blue

bhlǝ-wo- gold, reddish yellow

bhḷg- lightning

bhḷgh- bolster

bhḷ-n- bull

bhlog- black, flame

bhlō-to- blood, bleed

bhlō-w- blow

bhlu- boil over

bhoid- bait

bhol- ball

bholg- bulge

bholgh- swell

bhol-n- balloon

bhol-to- bold

bhol-yo- leaf

bhō-nā- voice, sound

bhondh- bend

bhon-do- bund

bhōr- thief

bhoso- bare

bhōw- bound

bhrāter- brother

bhrē- brood

bhreg- break

bhrenk- bring

bhres- braise, breeze

bhreu- brew, boil, bubble, effervesce, burn

bhṛgh- bury

bhṛgh-to- force, fort

bhṛ-n-g- fringe

bhrū- brow

bhru-n(e)n- bourn, spring

bhrū-no- bear

bhū-tā- check, repress, restrain

bhu- build

bhū- bower

bhū-lo- tribe

bhu-tu- future

bhwī-lyo- son

dā- divide

dail- deal

dai-mon- divider, demon

daiwer- husband's brother

dakru- tear

dakru-ma- tear drop

de- to, too

dē-bel-i- debilitated, weak

de-dr-u- tetter

deiǝ- clear

deik- show

deik-mṇ- sample, pattern

deiw- shine

Deiwos- God

dek- take, accept

dek-es- décor

dek-ṃ- ten

dekṃ-to- tenth, tithe

dek-no- deign, worthy, deserving, fitting

del- long, (re)count, tall, tell, tale, talk, count

dem- home

dem-(ǝ)- build, constrain, force, break (horse)

dems-pot- despot

dent- tooth

der- split, flay, peel

deru- firm, solid, steadfast

derw- tar, pitch

deu- lack, be wanting; do, perform, show favor

deu-gn-o- benign

deuk- lead, duke

deu-s- tire

deu-tero- missing

dew-es- lack

dhē- set, put

dhē(i)- suck

dheigh- form, build

dhǝk- fact

dhēk- tick

dhǝ-k-li- facile

dhē-kwondo- fruitful

dhē-lā- nipple

dhē-lik- happy

dhē-lo- suck

dhē-lu- female

dhǝ-mṇ- proposition, thing placed

dhē-mnā- female, she who suckles

dhē-no- produce

dher-mo- firm

dher-mṇ- statute

dhers- venture, be bold

dhǝs- right

dhǝs-no- temple

dhǝs-o- God

dhēs-yā- fair

dhēs-to- feast

dhē-ti- deed


dhē-to- set down, created, pregnant

dhǝ-tos- placed

dheu- flow, dew, die

dheub- deep

dheubh- dive

dheugh- productive

dheugh-os- product

dhghem- Earth

(dh)ghem-yā- land

dhghṃ- ground

(dh)ghṃ-on- Earthling

(dh)ghom-o- earth

dhgh(y)es- yester-

dhigh-ūrā- figure

dhigw- stick, fix

dhi-n-gh- shape

dhi-n-g(h)- touch

dhō- do

dhoigh-o- dough, mud

dhō-mo- doom

dhor-o- holding

dhō-t- performer

dhou-to- dead

dhou-tu- death

dhow-yo- die

dhreg- draw, glide

dhreibh- drive, push, snow

dhreus- drizzle

dhr-ono- throne

dhrous- dreary

dhrub- drop

dhrubh-yo- crumble

dhṛs- dare

dhuǝ- close

dhugheter- daughter

dhū-no- enclosed, fortified

dhwer- door

dhwī-no- dwindle

dhwor-āns foreign

dhwor-o- forum, marketplace

dhwor-ois outdoors, forest

di-dk-ske- disciple

dik- disk

dik-ā- proclaim, justice, right

dī-mon- time

dī-ti- tide

diw-yo- heavenly

dṃǝ- tame

dṇghū- tongue, language

dṇt- tusk

dō- give

doig- teach

doik- toe

domǝ- daunt

dom(ǝ)-o- tame

dōm-ṃ- dome

dom-o/u- house

Dom-o-no- Lord

dō-no- gift

doru- wood

dō-ti- dowry

douk-eyo- tie

douk-mo- team

dreu- true

drewo- tree

dṛ-tom- turd

dru-ko- tray

dru-mo- trim

drū- oak

drū-ro- duress

dru-weid- seer

du-bw-io- doubt

duk-ā- tow, lead out

dū-ro- last

dus- bad

dw-enē- benign

dw-en-elo- belle, beau

dw-enos- boon

dw-eye- bless

dwi-du-mo- double

dwi-gha- in two

dwi-ko- twig

dwi-plo- twofold

dwis-no- twin

dwo- two

dwo-leikw- twelve

dwo-kṃtā- twenty

dwo-plek- double

dyē- dial, day

Dyeu-pǝter- Jupiter

ed- eat

ed-un-ā pain

eghs out

eghs-ko- outermost

eg(o) I

ēgwh- drink

ēgwh-r-yo- drunk

ei- go

ēik- master, possess

eis- passion

eks-tero- outward

ekwo- horse

el- elbow, forearm

el-bheug- elbow

em- take, distribute

en in

en-do diligent

en-gen-yo- ingenious

ens into

ens-ō- within

en-ter between, among

en-tero- inside

epi near, at, against

er- move

erǝ- row

ers- be in motion

ers-ā- err, wander

es- be

es-mi am

es-ti is

(e)su- good

eu- dress, empty, lacking


gal- call, shout

gal-gal- word

gal-so- voice

gāu- rejoice

gel- cold,

gel-ā- freeze

gel-u- frost

gembh- tooth, nail

gembh-mā- bud, gem

gemǝ- marry

gen-ā- born

gen(ǝ)- give birth, beget

gen-es- family

gen-men- shoot

genu- knee, angle, chin, jaw

gen-yo- inborn spirit

ger- gather

gerbh- scratch

gere- grow old

gerǝ-ont- old man

geus- taste, choose

ghabh- give or receive

ghans-(er-) goose

ghē- release, let go

ghebh-el- head

ghebh-ti- gift

ghedh- unite, fit together

ghel- call, yell

ghel-wo- yellow

ghel-i- tawny yellow

ghel-no- golden

ghe(n)d- seize, take

gher- grasp, enclose

gher-n- like want

ghē-ro- heir

gheslo- thousand

ghesor- hand

ghos-pot- guestmaster

ghosti- guest

ghu-to- invoked

ghǝ-t(w)ā- gait, gate

gheu- pour (libation)

gheus- gush

gheu-ti- futile, useless

ghim-ṛ-yǝ winter-old female

ghḷ-to- gold

ghḷ-wo- tawny

ghlō- greenish yellow

ghlo-wo- green

ghobh- gavel

ghōdh- good

ghol- ash-gray

ghol-no- bile

ghor-dho- enclosure, yard

ghō-ro- empty space

gho-ro- dance space

ghṛ-dh- gird

ghrē- greed

ghrebh- seize, reach; dig, bury, scratch

ghredh- walk, go

ghrēi- rub

ghrend- granule

ghrendh- grind

ghrǝ-so- grass, graze

ghṛ-i- grace, favor

ghrō- grow

ghrobh- grave

ghrō-n-yo- grow

ghṛ-to- cause to strive or desire

ghs-en-wo- stranger

ghud- gut

ghund- found

ghus-mo- juice

ghwer- wild, beastly

ghyem- winter

gi-gn- beget

gleubh- tear apart, cleave

gḷ-k- ice

gloubh- clever

glubh- clove, cleft

glubh-ma- husk

gṃǝ-o- marriage

gnā- pregnant

gnā-sko- be born

gṇǝ- know how

gnǝ-dho- jaw

gṇǝ-ro- narrate

gṇǝ-ti- birth

gneu- knee

-gn-o- benign

gnō- know

gnō-dhli- noble

gnō-sko- notice, get to know

gnō-ti- knowledge,

gṇ-t- kind

gṇ-ti- tribe, clan

gṇ-yo- kin

gombh-o- comb

gon-o- child

gōnw-yǝ- angle

grā-k- grackle

gṛbh-(mṇ-) scratch, draw, write

grebh- crab

gre-g- head, flock

grem- cram

gṛǝ-no- grain

grū- crane

gus- chooser

gus-tu- taste

gwā- step, seat

gwei- live

gwel- throw, reach, pierce, needle

gwelǝ-mno- dart, javelin

gwem- come

gwem-yo- come/go

gwen- woman

gwēn-i- queen

gwerǝ- heavy

gwere- favor

gwerǝ-nā- quern, millstone

gwet- say, speak

gwhedh- ask, pray

gwhedh-to- exorable

gwi-wo- living, quick

gwī-g- strength

gwī-wo-tā life

gwlē- ball

gwḷ-yo- kill

gwṃ-ti- basis

gwṃ-to- base

gwolǝ-ā beam, ray

gwol(ǝ)-sā council

gwol-eyo- quell, destroy

gwṛǝ-d(h)o- bard

gwṛǝ-to- grace

gwrū-to- brute

gwyō-yo- animal

is-(ǝ)ro- powerful, holy

i-ter- journey

i-t-yo- beginning

ka-mer- hammer

ke-men- Heaven

-kṃtā -ty

kṃtom-rǝ hundred

kom-dh(ǝ)yo- season, flavor

kom-i-t-yo- county

mel-gn-o- malign

melit-dheu- honeydew

ṇ-dha and

-dṃǝ-nt- unconquerable

ne-gnō-sko- ignore, not to know

su-ro- Spirit

ti- until

ois-tro- madness

ok-ri- sharp mountains

ok-su- sour

ol-eye- retard growth

ol-se/o- alarm, alert

ol-tero- ultra

op- cover over

ōr-dh- order

or-smā- impulse, onrush

or-yo- be born

oudh-ṛ breast

ōwyo- egg

per-ed- lunch

per-ēik- possession, freight

per-ghabh- forgive, give away

per-ghed- booty, something taken

per-gnā- pregnant

pi on

po(s) on, in

pro-al- offspring

rē- consider, confirm, ratify

rē-dh- read, rede

rēs- race

rē-smo- oak

rī-tu- rite

rō-tro- rudder

sī- yes

sṇt-yā- what is

sont- being, existing, real, true

su-gwiǝ-es- having good life, healthy

tkei-mo- home

tkei-mo-ghor-dho- (home)yard

ūdh-ṛ udder

ud-sio-gwī-wo-tūt- whiskey (water of life)

wak- be empty

wā-no- vain, empty

wās-to- waste

wel-gwem- welcome (guest)

wǝ-no- lessen

wogs- wax

yā-nu- arch


Old Gothic was a major contributor to New Gothic aka Globish, the dominant language of the Globus sector bordering Microscopium, Pisces Australis and Capricorn.


Transcription into Sheshak script from all the cognate languages deriving from Old Gothic in the Globus sector has been standardized in Globish so that macron, ̅ , is transliterated as a doubled letter, except for Ō as OH and Ū as OO, the umlaut, ̈ , as -E, ̆ as -H, ́as -' for missing letter, ̃ as -N for vowel or -Y for consonant, the caret, ̂ , as -R, Æ as AE, Ç as S, Đ as DH, DZH as J, KW as QU, Ŋ or N as NG, Œ as OE, Š and SH as X, ß as SS, Ŧ as TH, TS as C, UU as W, Ẅ as OW, Ž as ZH.

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█ ████ ████ █ █ █ █ █ ███ █ █

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█ █ █ ████ █ █ █ █ ████ █ █ █

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The twenty-five phoneme shifts from the original Globish into Standard or Krufoz can be codified into just five shift sequences of the vow els (AEIOU), plosives (BFMPV), sibilants (CJSXZ), dentals (DGKQT), and voco-nasals (HLRWY). All other languages in the Globish family are classified according to their deviation from Standard Globish in such a phoneme shift table. Krufoz, for example has the standard 25 shifts horizontal left-to-right. “In the beginning was the Word.” in Globish became "On dli fikonnonk yex dli Yuwg." in Krufoz. [NOTE: This is equivalent to the substitution cipher alphabet, EFJGIMKLOSQRPNUVTWXDABYZHC.]



























Variations from Standard of the many other languages in the Globish family have been encoded into their names. The language called Old Sagittarian, for example, was so named because it has nine non-standard shifts, G-to-D-to-K, J-to-X, L-to-W, R-to-H, S-to-C in Sagittarius encoded into its shift table with the mnemonic SGR (the standard abbreviation for the Sagittarius constellation) in the sibilant, dental and voco-nasal shifts for a 36% variation from Standard. In Sagittarian "On dli fikonnonk yex dli Yuwg." would shift to: "On gli fidonnond yec gli Yuhk." [NOTE: This is equivalent to the substitution cipher alphabet, EFJKIMDLOXQWPNUVTHCGABYZRS.)


























Over the millennia the constellational languages, even with instant interstellar communication, continued to slowly shift further, making Standard more and more the lingua franca. The names of these daughter languages have been carefully assigned to encode these conditional shifts as letter pairs in the shift table. Argensha, for example, was named for the variant of Old Sagittarian spoken there as much as for the association with silver (Argentium) mining. Its shift table, with the mnemonic ARGS, is equivalent to Sagittarian with just the order of the rows changed. In addition to the 25 horizontal shifts of Globish to Standard, however Sagittarian has additional conditional shifts. Sagittarian's "On gli fidonnond yec gli Yuhk." would have shifted even further with GL-to-DY, FI-to-FA, DO-to-KA, OND-to-ANK, YE-to-RO, HK-to-HG to: "On dyi fakannank roc dyi Yuhg." [NOTE: This is equivalent to the Playfair substitution cipher.]

Later Sagittarian further evolved to add suffixes dependent on the context to change "dyi" to "dyem" and "dyow" and "roc" to "rozg", to give "On dyem fakannank rozg dyow Yuhg." [NOTE: This is equivalent to the Playfair substitution cipher with the initial letter of the next word added as a null suffix to words with an odd number of letters.]


























awkih: [uhkih, uhkih] order,

dying: [dlenq, glenq] thank

dyi: [dli, gli] the

qu: [du, gu] to

quger: [dukeh, quker] today

ehi: [ewi] are

eng: [enk] and

ecob: [exev, ecev] as soon as possible

fakannank: [fitonnont, fikonnonk] beginning

foesi: [viezhi, vieji] peace

kiwofuh: [kiwobiw] deliver

kiwofuhr: [kiwobiwh] delivery

kiwofuhah: [kiwobiwiw] deliverer

mohedu(c): [vohedi(sh), vowedi(x)] pirate(s)

monq: [vonkh, vonq] pink

on: in

pehdumi: [muhtobi, muwtobi] forgive

po: me,

pocc: [poxx] unmarried woman

roc: [yesh, yex] was

woa: [hua] you

dhesi: [kweji] grace

Qak: God

Yuhg: [Yuhk, Yuwg] Word


Standard: in Andromeda, Antlia, Caelum, Cancer, Canus Venatici, Chamaelon, Pavo, and Tucana

E-to-A-to-I, F-to-P, M-to-B in Mensa

E-to-A-to-I, F-to-P, G-to-D-to-K, M-to-B in Gemini

E-to-A-to-I, G-to-D-to-K, J-to-X, S-to-C in Sagitta

E-to-A-to-I, J-to-X, L-to-W, R-to-H, S-to-C in Serpens

E-to-A-to-I, J-to-Z, S-to-X-to-C in Sextans

E-to-A-to-I, Q-to-Z, T-to-D in Cetus

E-to-A-to-I, L-to-H-to-R in Delphinus, Vela

E-to-A-to-I, L-to-W, M-to-V, P-to-B, R-to-H in Perseus

E-to-A-to-I, L-to-W, R-to-H in Hercules, Telescopium

E-to-A-to-I, M-to-V, P-to-B in Lepus, Phoenix

E-to-I-to-A-to-O, L-to-W, R-to-H in Eridanus, Reiculus

E-to-O-to-A-to-I-to-U, L-to-H-to-R in Leo

E-to-O, H-to-Y-to-L, I-to-A in Hydrus

E-to-O, I-to-A in Indus

E-to-O, I-to-A, L-to-W, R-to-H in Aries

E-to-O, F-to-P, I-to-A, M-to-B in Canis Minor, Ursa Minoris

E-to-U-to-A-to-I, K-to-T-to-Q-to-D in Equus

F-to-B-to-P, I-to-U, l-to-W, O-to-A, R-to-H in Fornax

F-to-P, J-to-X, M-to-B, S-to-C in Musca

F-to-P, M-to-B in Camelopardalis, Canis Major, Ursa Major

G-to-D-to-K in Cygnus

G-to-D-to-K, E-to-A-to-I, M-to-V, P-to-B in Pegasus

G-to-D-to-K, L-to-W, R-to-H in Grus

H-to-R-to-L-to-W, I-to-U, O-to-A in Horologium

H-to-Y-to-L in Hydra

I-to-A, E-to-O, F-to-P, M-to-B in Leo Minor, Microscopium, Pictor

I-to-A, E-to-O, L-to-W, R-to-H in Triangulum, Virgo

I-to-U, F-to-P, M-to-B, O-to-A in Monoceros

I-to-U, J-to-X, O-to-A, S-to-C in Scorpius

I-to-U, L-to-W, O-to-A, R-to-H in Dorado, Norma, Volans

I-to-U, M-to-V, O-to-A, P-to-B in Ophiuchus

I-to-U, O-to-A in Bootes, Octans

J-to-X, S-to-C in Scutum

J-to-X, L-to-H-to-R, S-to-C in Sculptor

J-to-X, M-to-V, P-to-B, S-to-C in Apus, Pisces, Piscis Australis

J-to-X, S-to-C in Casseopia

K-to-T, L-to-W, Q-to-D, R-to-H in Aquarius

K-to-T, L-to-H-to-R, Q-to-D in Aquila

L-to-H-to-R in Lacerta, Lyra

L-to-H-to-R, I-to-A-to-E in Libra

L-to-H-to-R, I-to-U, O-to-A in Columba

L-to-H-to-R, M-to-V, P-to-B in Lupus

L-to-W, R-to-H in Ara, Carina, Circinus, Corona Australis or Borealis, Corvus, Crater, Crux, Draco, Triangulum Australe, Vulpecula

M-to-V, P-to-B in Capricorn, Cepheus, Coma Berenici, Puppis

M-to-V, P-to-B, S-to-Z, X-to-C in Pyx

O-to-A-to-U-to-E, L-to-W, R-to-H in Ariga

O-to-A-to-U-to-E in Taurus

O-to-I-to-A-to-E-to-U, L-to-W, R-to-H in Orion


The Hawaiianized Old Gothic found on the Menehune Stone in AD 5435, and revived by the Piscatorians (Pikak'lo) or Fishers, became the language of the Camerlingo during the papal exile, 6th to 16th millennia.

erat Verbum." became: "Ini palinikipio aaka Wapumu."

Over time contractions greatly reduced the number of syllables by dropping vowels, so that this became: "In plinkpo ak Wapum."


Aqualingua or Akua is the pidgin language used with space cetaceans, the whale-brain navigators and dolphin co-pilots of the high-gee water-filled shuttles of mining colonists after the fall of the Instrumentality. It was developed by marine biologist John Fisher Pratt working with humanatee Ming Ling. A combination of Camer Lingo-like phoneme shifts and a Globish vocabulary, it allowed the Fishers aka Piscatorians to communicate rather securely between themselves and with augmented whales and dolphins and other aquatic sentients. A derogatory term used by the enemies of the Fishers, those who were meant not to understand the language, came from the names of its creators, Prattling.

"In the beginning was the Word." would be: "Een-qeh-pfee-gee-en-een-oo-aa-qeh-oo-oh-elq."

Camer Lingo's ""Ini palinikipio aaka Wapumu." would be: "Een-ee-paa-lee-en-ee-qee-pee-oh-aa-qaa-oo-aa-poo-moo."


Abrahamites: aka Children of Abraham, strange and even demonic union of Israeli-Islamistani empires, which in turn were united with Buddhists to became the Brahami

agrobe: agricultural robonome


androbe: android-like robonome

Apsinthus: asteroid that triggered Great Quake (Jer 9:15) and Obscu Ring

Aqualingua: pidgin used between Humans and cetaceans

Aquilans: warned of Apsinthus fall (Rv 8:13)

asterobe: astronauticalrobonome


Atlanteja: capital of Atlantis, Neonesia, home of St. Peter’s branch of Piscatorians, led by Fr. Ignatius Beltran exile from St. Peters, Old Rome (Rv 1:8-11)

Atlantis: neonesian island raised up by Great Quake, home to S. European branch of Piscatorians

Barb: [barbed wyer] pseudohomosexual, F2M wyer abuser who still behaves like female

barby: like a Barb

beamship: spaceship using lightbeam as instantaneous transportation

Beastfighter: rebel against Beast (Rv 13:4)

bilking: time-traveling to dead-end time-line (Jn 15:2, Job 8:9, 14:2, Isa 65:17, Acts 3:21, Ez 39:9), self-created individual hell

Blood Sea: Earth’s water-turned-to-blood wafted by Haemovores (Rv 21:1)

Brahami: union of Abrahamites with Buddhists, against all other religions, equating paganism and Christianity

Bresail: Neonesian island in Atlantic, home of Gaelic branch of Piscatorians

brethren: Piscatorians’ term for animal companions (Mt 18:10, Heb 1:14)

Bright: super-genius with telepathic and teleportational powers (“Star Bright” by Mark Clifton), see tween

Bright Object: Object sited by Bright approaching Sol that suddenly wafts through the Minerva ring affecting the MADRE ALMA (Ps 75:8, Is 51:17, 22) causing gluttonous bellies and lying tongues to rot (Zac 14:12), burning pain, blindness and dehydration (Ps 32:3-4, 38:3-11) and Nephite plague

brohnjunner: weapon used by SolPol to detect clasts and other criminals

chimeroid: chimera-like monster with fire-breathing lion’s head, horse’s body, snake’s tail (Rv 9:13) torturing Nephite plague victims

chronoclasm: collapse of third of space-time (Rv 20:9, 21:8, 2 Pet 3:12) into Pit blackhole (Rv 12:4, 20:10, 14), shaking (Mic 1:4, Amos 9:5) and then ripping of fabric of space-time (Jer 24:21, Isa 63:19), until time finishes flowing into Eternal Sea (Sir 18:8, Rv 1:4, 8, 17-18)

Chthonians: horse-locusts (Girtulbulu) , Red Dragon, Abaddon (Rv 9:11), Rahab (Ps 87:4, Rv 17:12, Ps 89:11, Gn 2:6), hellfrogs (Rv 16:13), phantoms, nightmares (Wis 16:17-18, Jer 25:32, 51:1, Ps 50:3), K'rites (Num 16:29-30), allies to the Sheshak Empire set free by Great Quake (Jer 25:38, Is 24:19, Ps 33:7), eat people like vultures (Jer 24:21, Isa 63:19, Mic 3:3, Mt 24:28, Rv 19:17-21, Isa 13:5, Ps 14:4), 1 in 11000 survive (Jer 30:10, Ps 68:18), 9 in 10 of those taken (Amos 5:3, Jer 27:12) and hid among the stars (Obad 1:4), leaving 1 in 110000 on Earth

clast: [technoclast] anti-technology V-bomber, enemy of TLC

Conman: agent for the TLC

coppernick: aka Kupfernicht, legendary weapon effective against SolPol’s brohnjunners and litzfriebers

Cosmopolis: capital of Neuva Patagonia, Neonesia, home of St. Bellarmine’s branch of Piscatorians, lead by Robin Aguda and Roberta Alvarez (Rv 2:12-17), worshipers of Hepticorn (Rv 3:12)

c-wheed: [seaweed] cyclopium-laced wheed

cyban: cybernetic animal

cyclopium: a mass-hallucinogenic opiate, see sand

d'robe: [wardrobe mondegreen] unkillable dybbuk or dead robonome

decacorn: ten-horned enemy of the Hepticorn

Dendroids: ambulatory tree-like creatures (Rv 11, Mk 8:24)

derling: [underling backformation] member of the imperial ruling class

devolute: ADES victim, includes hues, non-robonomic minglings (Ps 52:8-9, 59:7, 15-16)

disrobing: more difficult procedure of undoing the effect of robing

dorthy: [Dor'thy Gale] hyperdimensionally discontinuous, "thin", so that wafting is possible, as with skywindows

dreamonger: derogatory term for one spreading false hope as in Peter III, Enochites

dustbowl: bowl used by stardust (astrogatium pollen) abuser while inhaling

dustcropper: [cropduster backformation] stardust (astrogatium pollen) grower

dusted: under the influence of stardust (astrogatium pollen)

dusting: abusing stardust or astrogatium pollen

dusty: under the influence of stardust (astrogatium pollen)

dustpan: like the blank-faced look of a stardust (astrogatium pollen) abuser

dwarf: dwarf whale, in blue or humpbacked varieties, usually cyban

dybbuk: disembodied spirit in another’s body whether living or dead

eedee: extra-dimensional

Elder: [Rev. 4:4, Isa 24:23] member of any of the 24 most ancient races

elf: [pl. elfs] (originally from L-4 or L-5 Lagrangian point space colonies) small, fragile, but agile Spaceborn

Enochites: descendants or Bright followers of Enoch up into the heavens, allies to the Firstborns and Elders (Heb 11:5, Gn 5:22, 6:10, 2 Kgs 2:11-12, Eccl 1:9, 3:1-11, 7:10)

exer: [X-er, ex-er] genetic engineer turning XY males into XX females

exersist: exer's assistant

ext: [X-ed, ext tension] genetically re-engineered M2F

firequacker: luminescent ducks used for emergency light and airleak detection in spacemines

Firstborns: 144000, allies with Brights (Heb 12:23, Rv 14:3, Ps 45:16, Ez 31:16, 37:9-10) priests of Universal Church (Eph 3:15) glorified (Ps 91:3-13, Rv 21:25, Isa 61:5) in heavens (Jer 51:9) at peace (Zec 12:8) long-lived (Isa 65:20,22), teaching Elders (Rv 4) Scripture and prophesy (Rom 8:18, 21, 1 Pet 1:12), rebuliding ruins (Isa 61:4), freeing slaves (Rom 8:21) seacreatures, birds, creepers, crouchers (Gn 1:21, 24, Wis 16:17)

fisherdom: any of the seven branches of the Piscatorians growing up in seven of the islands of Neonesia

Fishers: common name for the Piscatorians, a reformed Secular Franciscan Order re-emphasizing Rules 6 (communion with the pope, particularly Peter II and Peter III), 13 (joyfully promoting equality, even with eedees, exts, robes, trats, wyeds), 18 (respect for all creation), and 19 (nonviolence), thus the significance of the number 56 = 6 + 13 + 18 + 19, as in the Vomacht family, also Aivattāru, Chappana, Cinquantasei, Femtiseks, Ötvenhat

forget-me gnat: small, amnesia-inducing insect originally used in grief therapy, but also illegally in robing

freebing: (backformed from "freebie") fraudulently or overgenerously giving as in the Fisher tales of the Lord's Breakfast (Jn. 21:1-14)

friggling: in a cyclical war, as that between bureaucrat/socialists, militarists and pacifists, symbolized by salute/paper, fist/rock, peacesign/scizzors

funda: ("fundamental") unconventional to the point of being institutionalizable, especially believing in fanatical practices like monogamy and monotheism, see "sacra"

g'nome: government robonome, usually brainwiped ex-convict, used by Solar Police

gelbing: (backformed from Gelber) using gillweed for underwater breathing, discovered by Gilbrecht Gelber

gengineer: [genetic engineer] biologist who redesigns genes

gigglewater: slang for the illegal drug jocaine

gillweed: seaweed used for underwater breathing aid as in gelbing

Girtubulu: scorpion-men (Rev. 9:3-10)

Globish: [glob-bish] lingua franca of Globus sector and beyond, bordering on Microscopium, Pisces Australis and Capricorn sectors

Globishop: [Globish bishop] wine merchant from the Globus sector

Greatquake: caused rising of islands (Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Thule) and lowering of mountains (Himalayas, Rockies, Andies) except Mt. Hephzibah (Rv 16: 14, 18, Isa 62:4), “navel of the world” (Rv 20:7-10, 21:23) or Magdaleder (Mic 4:8) or Batgader (Mic 5:1)

grounghog: anyone planet-bound, whether elf or not

Hawai’ki: Neonesia island raised up by Great Quake, home of Anglo-American branch of Piscatorians

hellfrog: demonic batrachian freed with the other Chthonians (Rv 16:13)

Heptoptic: follower of the Heptopt (Seven-Eyed One, Zec 4:10), marked by painted extra eyes so that total is seven

hippocamp: giant seahorse t'rat used by Fishers for underwater transport

How Wahi: [“new place”] capital of Hawai’ki, Neonesia, home to St. Norbert branch of Piscatorians, lead by Beth Humbert

hu: [human without the manliness] animal-like devolute, apparently but not completely dehumanized, including cephalopodans, chelonians, felinoids, musteloids, pinnipedans, sirenians, pongoids, ursoids

humanatee: [humanity] manatee-like mingling, like the humanatee Ming Ling (Jer 31:27), see womanatee

hyperobe: yufo-like robonome made for navigating through hyperspace discontinuities

ichthropoid: [ichthyanthropoid] fishman

Islamistan: Islam-dominated nations of Australiasia, as a block, before dominion of Israeli Empire

jocaine: aka gigglewater, more addictive drug that alcohol drinking leads to

k'lidi: [kilo-light-diameter] 1.29 hrs.

K'rites: [Koharites] undead Chthonians freed by the Sheshak's ill-fated Minerva Project (Num 165:29-30, Rv 9:1-2)

Kupfernick: see coppernick

Last World War: aka Armageddon (Rv 13:7-8, 16:16), which left Earth open to leorns, tetramorphs, tridons, Haemovores, Nephite plague (Rv 9:6, 20:10, 14),

Lemuria: Neonesian island raised up by Great Quake in Indian Ocean, home to Afro-Indian Piscatorians

leorn: [lion-bird] griffinoid member of Sheshak Empire (Dan 7)

litzfrieber: weapon used by SolPol to subdue clasts and other criminals

Lyonnesse: capital of Bresail, home of St. Francis branch of Piscatorians led by Michael O’Flaherty (Rv 2:1-7)

MacRobe: spacecraft-like robonome

mañanamine: mutagenic "conception preventive"

Mark: generic term for MI

Martyr nebula: secret refuge of Sheshak exiles (Rv 15:5)

meanie: mutant made so by mañanamine yet another day-after pill

Meerburg: capital of Thule, Neonesia, home of St. Albrecht’s branch of Piscatorians, led by Albrecht Hubl, but mislead by Grace Albrecht (“Jezebel” Rv 2:20) with opposition sent to Venus mines (Rv 2:28) and planetoid mines (Pss 27:28, 61:3-5, 65:6, Rv 11:2, Ps 65)

metamorphine aka swap, the mindswapping drug

mic'robe: [microrobonome] microscopic medical robonome

Minerva Project: qwerty project to collapse Jupiter into a singularity ring (skywindow), which Bright Object passed through setting Chthonians free, who devastate habitable worlds

mingling: [Ming Ling] less than fully Human chimera, mutant, devolute or robonome,

monk: ["monk", "monkey"] Solar Police derling

Monobaptists: branch of Western Orthodox Church who believer in the emphasis, even overemphasis, of Baptism over the other sacraments, even marriage and holy orders, enemies of the sacramentalists

MADRE ALMA: [mother (over)soul] Empire-wide computer/communications/economic network (“deep things” Rv 2:24) more and more corrupted by MIs and AIs

mwaser: microwave frequency laser used by Vulcanids for transmitting energy across System to butterfly or thistledown solarsailing ships, or sometimes as weapons

neon: neonesian or any V-bomb survivor

neonesian: inhabitant of any of the islands raised up after the Great Quake, but especially, Atlantis, Australasia, Bresail, Hawai’ki, Lemuria, Patagonesia, and Thule

Nephite plague: immortality caused by breakdown of MADRE ALMA (Isa 66:24) affects 2/3

Nonnati: aka Unborn, gengineered androids, minglings or clones bred in artificial womb without legal birthrights or personhood, identified by hairlessness and toothlessness, but under the patronage of St. Raymond Nonnatus

oases: space-time locations where Brights find knowledge, fellowship and joy (Rv 7:17)

Obscurati: worshipers of the Dark One (Rv 3:9, Ez 32:18, Mt 13:14, 24:15), conspirators allegedly led through millennia by “Giovanni Bernardone” of Panic, Inc., alias “Hans Bernhardt” of the Order of the Crimson Dusk, “Dan” the Abrahami, and the Technocratic-Libertarian Consortium (Ez 38-39)

Obscu Ring: [obscuring] ring around Earth obscuring 1/3 of sky day and night (Rv 8:12)

Outlander: transterrestrial colonist on less than desirable unreal estate, Mars-type planets, planetoids, gas giant moons, builders of the Bifrostbridge

p’robe: psionic robonome

Pacifica: Neonesian island raised by Great Quake in Pacific, home of Australasian Piscatorians, exiled (Rv 3:14-22)

Patagonesia: neonesian island chain raised up by the Great Quake, Hispanic branch of Piscatorians, home of Fr. Jesus Alvarez

Philadelphina: [dolphin-lover] city of Hawai’ki, Neonesia, home of John Fisher Pratt and Ming Ling

phlac: to implant phlacter in forehead

phlact: someone who has had a phlacter implanted in forehead

phlacter: [phylactery] ALMA MATER forehead implant

Phrodi: [Aphroditean] Venus penal colonist (Rv 2:28)

plaguehorse: greenish-yellow plague-carrying equine (Rv 4)

Prattling: [Pratt-Ling] derogatory term for Aqualingua, pidgin devised between Piscatorian John Fisher Pratt and Bright mingling Gillian Ling

procreationists: hypersacramentalist who believes in one man and one woman reproducing by relying only upon the Creator

py'ro: [pyro] fire-handling robonome or robot

qwerty: scientifically questionable, especially ethically unsound science

robe: aka robonome, involuntarily castrated, genetically re-engineered (see g'nome) and/or robotized human, including agrobe, androbe, asterobe, d'robe, hyprobe, mac'robe, mic'robe, p'robe, py’ro, sap'robe, st'robe, and tet'ro

robing: making a robonome by forget-me-gnat or other means (Jer 10:14)

roberunner: dealer in illegal robonomes or g'nomes

sacra: ["sacramental", "sacra" posterior bone backformation] hypersacramentalistic, holding to the archaic belief in sacraments and sacramentals like the Tripetists, used especially by Monobaptists

sand: common term for sand (cyclopium), a mass-hallucinogenic opiate

sandbar: place where sand (cyclopium) is sold and abused, sometimes with metamorphine or astrogatium

sandblasted: having been on either a very bad or very "good" sand (cyclopium) trip

sandbox: sniffbox-like container for sand (cyclopium)

sandman: sand (cyclopium) dealer

sandpaper: bathroom tissue laced with sand (cyclopium) pollen

sandpile: pile of sand (cyclopium) abusers

sandstorm: bad trip on sand (cyclopium)

sandtrap: sand (cyclopium) trip very difficult to get out off

sandwitch: [sandwich] tour guide for a bad trip on sand (cyclopium)

sandy: under the influence of sand (cyclopium)

sap'robe: [saprobe] sewage and pollution control robonome

Shambhala: capital of Lemuria, Neonesia

Shita Ni: capital of Neonesian island Pacifica

skywindow: aerial portal through which the Haemovores wafted the Blood Sea (2 Kgs 7:2, 19, Ps 65:10, Ez 1:1, Mk 1:10, Acts 7:56, 10:11, Ps 78:23)

SolPol: Solar Police Force many of whom are g'nomes, identified by armor with chest star

sourpus: octopus variant that exudes foul smelling ink

st'robe: strong, stupid robonome, almost indistinguishable from robot

stardust: addictive pollen from Martian plant, astrogatium

Stars: thinking (spirit-possessed) stars

swap: metamorphine the mindswapping drug, especially dangerous when used with wheed or cyclopium

swapmate: person with whom one swaps by exchanging body fluids under the influence of metamorphine

swapmeet: party where metamorphine is abused, sometimes with cyclopium

swap ping: [swapping] usually minor shock and disorientation when metamorphine takes effect

Technocratic-Libertarian Consortium: front for the Obscurati, like the previous Order of the Crimson Dusk and Panic, Inc., etc.

tetramorph: four-faced member of Sheshak empire (Dan 7)

tet'ro: [tetrorobonome] four-clone robonome with limited telepathic ability

Thule: Neonesianisland raised up by Great Quake in N. E. Atlantic, home of N. European Piscatorians

TLC: see Technocratic-Libertarian Consortium, see Conman

tridon: three-fanged ursinian, member of the Sheshak Empire (Dan 7)

Time War: war characterized by alternative timelines, devolution, and restoration by Firstborns and allies

Tripe: [tripe] Tripetrists, hence poor, worthless, offensive like the believers in legendary Pope Peter III, hypersacramentalists and procreationists (Mt 13:47)

Tripetism: believe in legendary Pope Peter III

Tripetrists: see Tripe

tween: someone between merely genius intelligent and telepathically and teleportationally Bright (“Star Bright”, Isa 66:8, Rv 12:14, 20:4)

UD: see Union of Democracies

Unborn: see Nonnati

Uriel: asteroid that triggered Greatest Quake (Rv 20:1)

Union of Democracies: originally actually independent and democratic but eventually only puppet governments of the Sheshak empire

Universal Church: led by Firstborn with whole Universe cooperating in making crooked straight (Eccl 1:5, Mt 1:13), at proper times (Eccl 3;1-8), with past remade (Jer 18:4) freeing (Ez 29:3, Eccl 9:12, 12:4, Mt 13:36-52), restoring (Eccl 3:15) returning (Mt 26:24) all creation (Ps 109:14-16)

Virdrans: veterans of Virdra war aka War in Heaven, actually war of Draconians vs. Virgo cluster (Isa 27:1, Rv 12)

Vulcanids: cismercurian ring of solar energy beam transmitters

Western Orthodox Church: union of Western rites and Eastern Orthodox rite Christians which eventually became the Mononbaptists

whacker: aka wheedwhacker, bad trip while under the influence of wheed

wheed: [whee, we had/should/would] plant-derived drug smoked to induce temporal and judgmental confusion, especially dangerous when doctored with identity-confusing metamorphine or cyclopium (c-wheed)

wheedy: under the influence of wheed

womanatee: mermaid-like Human-manatee mingling, see humanatee

wyed: [Y-ed, widespread] genetically re-engineered F2M, tend to gain weight

wyer: [Y-er, wire] F2M genetic mutagen, see Barb

XaXa: city of Neonesia

yufo: [fka U.F.O.] space-dwelling life-form able to sense and waft through hyperdimensional discontinuities, displaced by the Vulcanids