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![]() ![]() ![]() "Live long and prosper." (Deuteronomy 4:40)
Anakana <Tai nasha no karosha.> [tI naa-$aa nO kaa-rO-$aa].
Gaellack <Conayon fada agus rath Dae ort le tu la.> [kaa-nI-aan faa-daa aa-guss raaT dA ort le 2 laa].
Iyi-Golik <Mene sakkhet ur-seveh.> [me-ne sak-Ket ur-se-ve].
Nojokan <Anhrahwhahty mywhyr.> [aang-raa-Waa-tE mI-WIr].
Os-Pid <Diftor heh smusma.> [dif-tor heh smoo-smaa].
Proto-Tibetan "Repsorp dna ngol 'vil." [rep-sorpd na ngwl vil.]
Tev'meckian "Phock ped kux leck." [faak ped kuks lek.]
Zvelebil <Tich tor ang tesmur> [tit$ tor aang tS-mur].
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations Institute
![]() ![]() ![]() updated 8179 Nhrut 11
"The triangle and the circle . . . different shapes, materials, textures . . . represent any two diverse things which come together . . ."
". . . in the infinite diversity of life . . ."
". . . and in the ways our differences can combine to create new truth and beauty." (Mr. Spock and Dr. Miranda Jones, quoting Surak)
"Creatures have what is called potential infinity inasmuch as there is no fixed limit to the possibility of succession and variation in them." (Thomas Aquinas, Summa Q7)
"Now, truly, a multiplicity of holy things ... obviously in no way opposes the unity of the Church; rather, indeed, such diversity greatly enhances the dignity of the Church itself." (Pius IX, Amantissimus)
Department of Vulcan Studies
Even those new to the IDIC Institute may still be familiar with the simplified orthography developed by the Vulcan Academy Language Department (VALD) for Modern Vulcan and its High Vulcan borrowings or by the Vulcan Language Institute (VLI) for the Golic language family. This however will not be of much use with nonstandard dialects and other ancient languages. In order to begin to better represent Surakian and pre-Surakian writings, especially for the growing number of interested offworlders, we have developed our own system, yet another of the infinite combinations of diversities. The following polyglot orthography and horizontal scripting are admittedly compromises. Hopefully however our system will make comparative studies easier, or at least more interesting.
The languages of the borrowings and cognates of Middle Vulcan (or Nojokan) are many, though not nearly the more than 100 dialects referred to by Bill Richmond and Chris Pinette in "The Vulcan Language Guide". We will limit ourselves to "just" twenty-six (of which eight are hypothetical, as indicated by an asterisk):
Anakana (A, aka Yakan), Ba-Golik (B, aka Old Golik), Central Vulcan (C, aka Equatorial Vulcan), Duane Vulcan (D), Early Yakan (E*), FthinraKathi (F), Gaelack (G), High Vulcan (H, aka Senura), Iyi-Golik (I, aka Modern Golic), Jlan (J), K'thauluvi (K), Low Vulcan (L), Middle Zvelebil (M), Nojokan (N, aka Middle Vulcan), Os-Pid (O*, aka Old High Vulcan or Yeht-Golik), proto-Zvelebil (P*, aka Vulcanian ), Qenia (Q, "the language"), Rihanha (R), Southern Vulcan (S, aka Suluhura), Taiyakana (T*, aka Old Vulcan), Upper Gaelack (U), Velprala (V ), Wolterink (W), Xaick (X), Yazyk Vulkana (Y), and Zvelebil (Z). Hopefully our orthography will equally offend speakers of every language and dialect.
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The role of demonstrative pronouns is further extended by six prefixes specifying visibility, invisibility, accessibility and inaccessibility:
here not-here
observed i- a-
unobserved e- u-
unobservable I-* o-
* NOTE: The ai- [I] prefix of Taiyakana can refer only to something at once both near and distant, someone near in mind, as in the katra-bonded or a reader and author, and yet distant in body -- or the disembodied katra or the bodiless, omnipresent yet transcendent One, a feature lost in proto-Zvelebil.
SINGULAR 1st 2nd 3rd persons singular
I you he she (s)he not-(s)he
here-seen iw- iW- in- i-
not-here-seen aaT- aas- aaw- aaW- aa- aan-
here-unseen eT- S- ew- eW- e- en-
not-here-unseen uhT- uhs- uhw- uhW- uh- uhn-
here-unseeable IT- Is- Iw- IW- I- In-
not-here-unseeable OT- Os- Ow- OW- O- On-
*NOTE: A default prefixless usage is presumed for first and second person here-observed. The ihth- and ihs- prefixes could be used for clarification when, for example, the speaker's verbal and telepathic communications for some reason do not agree.
Iyi-Golik tends to not use pronouns once the relationships between the subject(s) and object(s) are established, while Ba-Golik had several:
SINGULAR 1st 2nd 3rd persons
I you he she (s)he or not-(s)he
naa$ve duh saave kOve i$ve
PLURAL &ek duhlR au
In Anakana lower integral numbers are indicated by the -nah [-naa] suffix: 1 = ahnah [aa-naa], 2 = nihnah [ni-naa], 3 = shihnah [$i-naa], 4 = wahnah [waa-naa], 5 = shahnah [$aa-naa], 6 = rahnah [raa-naa], 7 = nehnah [ne-naa], 8 = lohnah [lO-naa], 9 = xihnah [zi-naa], 10 = kuhnah [kuh-naa]. Higher ones are compounded with kuh- [kuh-] = z + 10, -kuh = 10z, -rai [-rI] = 100z, -sai [-sI] = 1,000z, and the Early Yakan, -tai* [-tI] = 10,000z, rai*- [rI-] = z^100, sai*- [sI-] = z^1,000, tai*- [tI-] = z^10,000.
In Golik 1 = wuhkuh [wuh-kuh], 2 = dahkuh [daa-kuh], 3 = rehkuh [re-kuh], 4 = kehkuh [ke-kuh], 5 = kaukuh [kau-kuh], 6 = sheh-kuh [$e-kuh], 7 = stehkuh [ste-kuh], 8 = ohkuh [O-kuh], 9 = naukuh [nau-kuh], 10 = lehkuh [le-kuh]. Above 10, compounds of at most three syllables are made combining the extracted roots and leh- [le-] = z + 10, -l(eh) = 10z, -t(eh) = 100z to -zhoh [-ZO] = 1,000,000x up to zhoh-zhoh-zhoh [ZO-ZO-ZO] = (10^18)z. The ordinals are indicated by substituting -'rak [-'raek] for -kuh (or -ehkuh or -eh or -oh) up to zhohzhoht'rak [ZO-ZOt-'raek] = (10^14)th. Adjectival forms end in -(y)ik as in zhohzhohtik zhohzhohzhoh [ZO-ZO-tik ZO-ZO-ZO] = 10^32.
Velprâla uses a biquintal numbering system, based on fives yet with special recognition of doubles as well. For digits above zero i : 1.0 = ri [rE], and below, 0.1 = ir. The sequence continues with vowel changes: 2 = roh [rO], 3 = rah [raa], 4 = reh [re], 5 = ruh, and for those below zero: 2 = ohr [Or], 3 = ahr [R], 4 = ehr [er], 5 = ur. In a proper base 5 number system the sequence would end with "10", riï*[rEE]. Note that this system "improperly" uses placeholders larger than the base, akin to saying "a dozen tens" rather than "ten dozens" and implying the description of complex groupings and subgroupings. Although it retains the the concept of extending the series by transforming the -r- to -t- yielding -tih- [-ti-] and -iht- [-it-] = 6, -toh- [-tO-] and -oht- [-Ot-] = 7, -tah- [-taa-] and -at- [-@-] = 8, -teh- [-te-] and -eht- [-&-] = 9, -tuh- and -uht- = 10, it is essentially a decimal system, but with tuh (base 10) replacing the hyperlogical riï* (base 5). That of Nojokan was more elaborate, but quite handy in describing odds (such as those involving dice marked with 0 [ih] to 5 [ruh], as in the popular game Yîhruh) or simple arithmetical equations which would be written simply: "2 + 2 = 4" being "rhah" [rhaa] (from raaraa*), essentially a base-25 number system. Counting on the fingers was done by noting unit's placeholder with one hand and five's placeholder with the other.
10 = ru, 01 = yihr [yir*]
20 = tu, 11 = rhih [r'i*], 02 = iht [yit*]
30 = roi, 21 = rahrih, 12 = rîhah, 03 = yor
40 = rei, 31 = rohrih, 22 = rhah [r'aa*], 13 = rihroh, 04 = yer*
50 = rwi [rui*], 41 = rehrih, 32 = rohrah 23 = rahroh, 14 = rihreh, 05 = yur
110 = tyih [tii*], 51 = rurih, 42 = rehrah, 33 = rhoh [r'O*], 24 rohreh, 15 = rihruh
120 = tai, 52 = ruhrah, 43 = rehroh, 34 = rohreh, 25 = rahruh
130 = toi, 53 = ruhroh, 44 = rheh [r'e*], 35 = rohruh
140 = tei, 54 = ruhreh, 45 = reruh,
200 = twi [tui*], 55 = rhuh [r'u*],
010 = yiht*, 011 = yat [y@*], 012 = yoht, 013 = yeht, 014 = yuht
210 to 300 = sih [si] to swih [swi] , 310 to 400 = cih [ci] to tswih [cwi], 410 to 500 = chih [Ci] to chwih [Cwi]; -00 = -yih [-yi], -000 = -jih [-ji], -0000 = -yhih [y'i*], -00000 = -yhihai [y'iy*], -000000 = -jhih [j'i*], -0000000 = -jhihai [I'iI*], -00000000 = -jhihj [j'ij*], -000000000 = -jhihyh, -0000000000 = -jhihjh and so on:
y- j- yh- jh- jjh- jh-j jh-j
-ih- 5^2 5^3 5^4 5^5 5^6 5^7 5^8
-ah- 5^9 5^10 5^11 5^12 5^13 5^14 5^15
-oh- 5^16 5^17 5^18 5^19 5^20 5^21 5^22
-eh- 5^23 5^24 5^25 5^26 5^27 5^28 5^29
-uh- 5^30 5^31 5^32 5^33 5^34 5^35 5^36
[chwihjhuhj, Cuij'uhj*] = 500 (base 5)(5^36) = 5^38, (-ahs) [-aas] = doubles the base to ten, -ehs quintuples it to 50, and -uhs doubles it again to 100, thus [chwijhuhjuhs, Cuij'uhjuhs*] = 500 (base 100)(100^36) = 5(10^76).
Ordinals are formed by adding -rk: first = rirk, second = rark [rRk], millionth = jhirk.
Larger indefinite groupings and subgroupings can also be described similarly using the below-one digit names as infixes:
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
-ihr- -ohr- -ahr- -ehr- -uhr- -iht- -aht- -oht- -eht- -uht-
[-ir-] [-Or-] [-aar-] [-er-] [-uhr-] [-it-] -aat-] [-Ot-] [-&-] [-uht-]
In Nojokan therefore we have: we-2-&-not-you-1 (htryah-) [Tryaa-], we-3-&-not-you-1(htroh-) [TrO-], we-2-&-not-you-2 (htrhah-) [Trhaa-], etc., to we-50%-&-not-you-50% (htuhruhr-) [Tuhruhr-]. With double honorifics that makes 8(8(6(6 + 10))) = 6,144 possible words specifying "we"! (It is not surprizing then that the language became extinct.) In Taiyakan the number of demonstrative pronouns was only 30 and all that remains in Velprala is the remnant and corrupted plural form:
plural you-5+ we-and-not-you you-5+ they-5+ (m) they-5+ (f) they-5+
th'eh's- th'eh- seh- ihweh- ihwleh- ihneh-
[T'e's-] [T'e-] [se-] [i-we-] [i-We-] [i-ne-]
In Ba-Golik a plural form with -lar [-lR] was used, but only rarely for emphasis; in Iyi-Golik
duh = you; t'duh = your; vuh = yourself..
Conjunctions and other logical operations are expressed, as in Nojokan, as prefixes, or in the case of Velprala, usually as suffix pairs.
o- [aa-] = if the first therefore the second of ___ and ____, implying the truth of the original premise;
ob- (G ahbruh) [aab(-ruh)] = division indicator, ____ divided by ___
ozh- (V -ahzh ... -ahzh) [aaZ (aaZ)] = either the first or the second of ___ and ____;
bo- [baa] = conquest indicator, _____ conquered by ______ , to indicate surreal numbers
nng- [Ng-] = the sum of the second with itself the first number of times of ___ and ___; the product of the first and the second of ___ and ___
nngro- [Ngraa-] = the sum of the third with itself the second number of times, with itself the first number of times of ___, ___ and ___; the product of the first, second and third of ___, ___ and ___
myong- = both the first and the second of ___ and ___ are indeterminate, neither true nor not true
my- = ___ is indeterminate or approximate, neither true nor not true
nah- [naa] = if the first then the second of ___ and ___, without implying the truth of the original premise;
ny- (A -nai [-nI], V ni + ... + a or nirsh + ... uks [nir$ ... ux]) = not ___ or not the first but the second of ___ and ___;
nyony- [nyaany-] = the resultant of the subtraction of the first from the second of ___ and ___;
nyozh- (V nirsh + ... -ahzh nirsh + ... -ahzh [nir$ ... -aaZ nir$] or -nihahzh ... -nihahzh [ni-aaZ ... ni-aaZ]) = neither the first nor the second of ___ and ___;
ohng (V-ohng ... -ohng [-Ong ... Ong]) = both the first and the second of ____ and ____; the sum of the first and the second of ___ and ___;
ohnho- [Ong-aa] = either both or either of ___ and ____ ;
ohnhro- [Ong-raa] = the first and second and the third of ___, ___ and ___; the sum of the first, second and the third of ___, ___ and ___
kwo- [qaa-] (A tah [taa] +, V qah + ... qah + [qaa ... qaa]) = ?, interrogatory
kwai- [qI-] = !, rhetorical interrogatory, one without response expected
kwah- [qa-] = ?!, metaphysical interrogatory, one without response possible
sto- (G stahruhn [stR-uhn]) = ", naming indicator, ____ "______"
uhnh- [ung-] = the product of the second with itself the first number of times of ___ and ___; the second to the first number's power of ___ and ____
wuhnh- [wuhng-] = the second to it's own power the first number of times of ___ and ___; the second tetrated the first number of times of ___ and ___
All and any of these operators can be combined together and can be modified by numerical infixes to indicate complex, probabilistic or fuzzy logic:
uhnhtuhcwih- [uhng-tuh-cwi] = 10^100 = googol,
kohshihthat ihwtelv [kO-$i-T@ iw-tLv] = He is reading my mind.
kohshihthat stoiwtelv [kO-$i-T@ stoiw-tLv] = He is reading <He is reading my mind.>,
akohshihthat srihtoiwtelv [ak-O-$i-T@ sri-toiw-tLv] = He is reading <He is reading. <He is reading my mind.>>
ahzhruhroh- [aaZ-ruh-O] = "5:2 odds (probabilities 71.4% and 28.6% respectively) for the first over the second of ___ and ____" or
ahzhtir- [aaZ-tir] = "probability 71% for ___".
wuhnhtuyer [wuhng-2-yer] = 10^^4 = googolplex-to-the-fifth
awuhnhjhuhjhuhsjhuhjuhs [ae-wuhng-juhs-juh-juhs] = (5(10^76)^^^2
The words corresponding to demonstrative pronouns in most Vulcan languages can be expressed with or without honorifics just as can other parts of speech. Anakana and Golik have only one honorific, respectively la- and o-. Another family's is based on two: [kahn-] indicating formality or respect and on [kahm-] familiarity or affection. A characteristic feature of many Vulcan languages is intensive replication of syllables and vowels in verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs which in Nojokan can generate any number of different degrees of intensification, (although nineth degree is usually sufficient) albeit with increasing word length:
kahn- consonant-vowel vowel vowel-(consonant)
[kaan] khahn- kahahn- kahnahn-
[Kaan-] [kaa'aan-] [kaa'naan-]
cons. vowel khahkahn- khahahn- khahnahn-
[Kaa'kaan-] [Kaa'aan-] [Kaa'naan-]
vowel khahahn- kahhahn- kahahnh-
[Kaa'aan-] [kaa'haan-] [kaa'aang-]
vow. cons. khahnan- kahanh kahnahn-
[Kaa'nan-*] [kaa'ang-] [kaa'naan-]
vowels kahahkahahn- kahhahahn- kahahnahahn-
[kaa'aa'kaa'aan] [kaa'haa'aan] [kaa'aan'aa'aan]
NOTE: Some replication sequences yield identical results, in this example: khahnan- and khahan- and kahahnahn-. Even so we have here 1 degree of intensification in 1 syllable, 8 in 2 or less, 10 in 3 or less and 12 in 4 or less. The 2-syllable intensification sequence would run from kahkahn- to kahhan- to khahahn- to kahnahn- to khahnahn- to kahhahn- to kahnhahn-, enough for most circumstances.
The the various conjugations are expressed by successive prefixations, as before in Nojokan, or as suffixes in proto-Zvelebil.
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 10
ablative (from) heh- roheh- rahheh- rehheh- ruhheh- tihheh- ... tuhheh-
associative (with)* kah- rohkah- rahkah- rehkah- ruhkah- tihkah- ... tuhkah-
dative (to) hoh- rohhoh- rahhoh- rehhoh- ruhhoh- tihhoh- ... tuhhoh-
genitive (of) at- rohat- rahat- rehat- rwat- tyat- ... twat-
gerundive (-ing) yah- rohyah- rahyah- rehyah- rwyah- tihyah- ... twyah-
gutteral** rihcqah- rohcqah- rahcqah- rehcqah- ruhcqah- tihcqah- ... tuhcqah-
locative (at) tih- rohtih- rahtih- rehtih- ruhtih- thih- ... tuhtih-
objective hih- rohhih- rahhih- rehhih- ruhhih- tihhih- ... tuhhih-
reflexive (-self) yoh- rohyoh- rahyoh- rehyoh- rwyoh- tihyoh- ... twyoh-
vocative (hey!) ohn- rohohn- rahohn- rehohn- rwohn- tyohn- ... twohn-
NOTE: rwat- from earlier ruh@-*, twat from tuh@-*, rwyo- from ruhyaa-*, twyah- from tuhyaa-*, thih- from TiTi-*, rwyoh- from ruhyO-*, rwohn- from ruhOn-*, twyoh- from tuhyO-*, tyohn- from tihOn-*, twohn- from tuhOn-*
* Ba-Golik had a similar pseudo-adjectival form as in k'avon [k'ae-vaan] (hungry, literally "with hunger") and k'mag (thirsty, literally "with thirst").
**Taiyakana also had an invective prefix, khri- [KrE-] (or khra- [Kraa-]), since Reformation an indication of insanity.
In Velprala glottalized suffixes are used on both nouns and their modifiers:
ablative (from) -'heh [-'he]
dative (to) -'hah [-'haa]
genitive (of) -'at [-'@]
gerundive (-ing) -'yoh [-'yO]
locative (at) -'tih [-'ti]
objective -'hih [-'hi]
reflexive (-self) -'yah [-'yaa]
vocative (hey!) -'ah [-'aa]
Golik and Vulcanian usually form new compounds from older root words by joining them with the pakh (represented in transcription with a hyphen) though limited to no more than three roots [pon-far] ; transcribed Nojokan on the other hand uses consonant lengthening (or aspiration) with no root joining limit: [pannphorh]; Anakana [ponu faru] and Ba-Golik [pon farr] use spaces between the roots. These generalizations can however be changed for emphasis.
paan fRh* [mating time]
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pon farr panphorh |
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pon far ponu faru
In Anakana -shah is added to transform a noun into a verb. In Ba-Golik (1) -tor is added to a noun (or it's extracted root) to form a verb. (hah'hihv [haa-hiv] "life", hah'tor [haa-tor] "live"; shehn [$en] "rise", shehn-tor [$en-tor]), (2) -n is subtracted to form a verb (aitluhn [It-luhn] "desire", aitluh [It-luh]; lahshahn [laa-$aan] "arrival", lahshah [laa-$aa]; p'sthahn [p'-sTaan] "search", p'stha' [p-'sTae]; shahn [$aan] "rage", rehshah [re-$aa]), (3) or (ah)n is subtracted and -tor added (dahn [daan] "rotation", dah-tor [daa-tor]; glahn [glaan] "sight", glah-tor [glaa-tor]; shehn [$en] "ascent", sheh-tor [$e-tor]; tehvahn [te-vaan] "descent", tahv-tor [taav-tor]; zahvahn [zaa-vaan] "taste" tahv-tor [taav-tor]), or they are irregular (4a) ehstah [S-taa] "touch", ehstuhl [S-tuhl]; fohshah [fO-$aa] "shedding", fohshuhl [fO-$uhl]; ihp-sui [ip-su-i] "hiding", ihp-suht [ip-suht]; (4b) klahchehk [klaa-Cek] "lock", klahchah [klaa-Caa]; (4c) sahl [saal] "scream", sahlur [saa-lur]; (4d) sheh [$e] "scream" shai [$I]; (4e) thahnah [Taa-naa]"adoption", thahnai [Taa-nI]; (4f) vluh "howl", vluhn "howling", vlur; (4g) yohkah [yO-kaa]"eating", yohkuhl [yO-kuhl].
In Iyi-Golik this is simplified to: (1) "-tor" transforms a noun (or variant) form into a verb (saul "shout", saul-tor, tahlahl "find", tahl-tor) or (2) "-yah" is subtracted and "-u" added (shahyah [$aa-yaa]"break", shau [$au]), thus exterminating homonymous noun-verb pairs.
In Nojokan verbs roots of the form CVC+ are the same as the noun forms, but can change form with the inclusion of consonantal infixes after the first (or reduplicated) vowel, the addition of an -i or -j suffix or the transformation of an already reduplicated vowel into an -i-.
affirmation y
negation -i/j-, -i/j
indeterminancy -ij-, -ij
long before, shortly before, synchronous, shortly after, long after
active -s- -z- -t- -d
passive -r- -j- [Z] -nh- [-ng-] -rh- -l-
completed -f- -p- -x- -`- -v-
imperative -b- -th- [T] -k- -y- -wh-
intentional -q- -c- -sh- [$] -nj- -kh- [-K-]
permitted -g- -n- -m- -jh- -w-
hahmair [haa-mIr] = to live
aiomair [I-O-mIr] = living
ihmaimair [i-mI-mIr] = You, the one observed here, are living a long life.
ihmaimairih [i-mI-mI-ri] = You, the one observed here, are not living a long life.
ihmaiswair [i-mI-swIr] = You, the one observed, have lived a long life.
ihmaitwair [i-mIt-wIr] = You, the one observed here, will live a long life.
They can be used in combination as well, without reduplicated vowels, allowing for a little Nokoyan ambiguity and word play:
aimaitsair [I-mIt-sIr] = You, the one observed here, will have lived a long, long life. (NOTE: not the same as the homonymous [ihmaicair] = You, the one observed here, would have lived a long life.)
ihmaiksair [i-mIx-Ir] = Live now, you, the one observed here, as you did long ago. (NOTE: not the same as the homonymous [ihmaixair] = You, the one observed here, lived until now.)
ihmaistair [i-mI-stIr] = You, the one observed here, have yet to live a long life.
In Anakana this simplifies to three suffixes: -shih [-$i] (past), -shah [-$aa] (present), -shoh [-$O] (future).
It's nearly as simple with the Golik family:
past present future
Ba-Golik vehsht + [ve$t] fah-wahk + [faa-waak]
Iyi-Golik vehsht + [ve$t] duhngih + [duhng-i]
-au verbs -ahl [-aal] duhngih- [duhng-i]
-a-tor verbs -ahl [-aal]
Indicating the predicate by P and its modifiers by p, the subject by S and its by s and the Object by O and its by o and the individual languages' interword connectors, we can abbreviate the preferred word orders thus:
In Anakana it is "s S ra o O ro p P", in Golik "P s'S s o'O o p.", in Nojokan "oO sS pP", in Velprâla "p P'hi s S o O".
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