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![]() On this page is listed the known ancestors of the Human-Vulcan hybrid Spock and the Sarpeidonians. Assuming 50 years per Vulcan generation and 30 per Human, Zar would have 5 ancestors in the 23rd century, 68 in the 22nd, 1008 in the 21st, 7360 in the 20th and 58112 in the 19th. Intermarriage fortunately cut these numbers down considerably.
Adler, John Hamish "Nero Wolfe" son of Rutherford Holmes and Irene Adler, twin of Scott Adller
Adler, Scott "Marko Vilcic" son of Rutherford Holmes and Irene Adler, twin of John Hamish Adler
Al-Magharabi ["Faerie Tale Theatre: Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp"]
Alman, Emily ["Katherine"]
Anderson, Betty ["Father Knows Best"] daughter of Jim and Margaret Anderson, ancestress of Nancy Hedford Cochrane ["Star Trek: Companion"]
Anderson, Bud ["Father Knows Best"] son of im and Margaret Anderson
Anderson, Margaret ["Father Knows Best"] wife of Jim Anderson, ancestress Zar's
Anderson, Jim ["Father Lnows Best"] husband of Margaret Anderson
Anderson, Kathleen ["Father Knows Best"] daughter of Jim and Margaret Anderson
Anna ["The Nativity"] ancestress Zar's
Atherton, Spence ["Valley of Mystery"] ancestor Zar's
Auslander, Dr. Daniel ["St. Elsewhere"] ancestor of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Auschlander, Katherine ["St. Elsewhere"] wife of Dr. Daniel Auslander, ancestress of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Balthazar ["The Greatest Story Ever Told"] ancestor of Aaron Stemple
Beauregard, Clive Reston (1947-) son of James Bond and "Shrinking Violet" Holmes Beauregard
Beauregard, "Shrinking" Violet Holmes (1925-) daughter of Mycroft Sigerson Holmes, mistress of James Bond, wife of Charles Beauregard
Bennett, James Boyton son of Kitty Bennett
Bennett, Kitty Merrivale daughter of Henry and Honoria Merrivale, wife of Bennett
Berestyn father of Gilda Berestyn Blakeney
Blakeney, Algernon son of George and Mary Ffoules Blakeney, husband of Joan Dewhurst Blakeney
Blekeney, Alice Clarke Raffles daughter of Monica Clarke Raffles, 2nd wife of Percy Blakeney
Blakeney, George husband of Mary Ffoules Blakeney, son of Nicholas and Helen Hamilton Blakeney
Blakeney, Gilda Berestyn wife of Percy Blakeney
Blakeney, Helen Hamilton wife of George Blakeney
Blakeney, Joan Dewhurst wife of Algernon Blakeney
Blakeney, Nicholas son of Percy and Gilda Berestyn Blakeney, husband of Helena Hamilton Blakeney
Blakeney, Percy "Scarlet Pimpernel" husband of Marguerite St. Just and Alice Clarke Raffles Blakeney
Bond, James (1924-) father of Clive Reston Beauregard
Bonelli, Fay ["Superdome"] ancestress Zar's
Bridges, Mrs. ["Quincy: New Blood"] ancestress Zar's
Cavendish father of Elizabeth Cavendish Rutherford
Cavor, William ["First Men on the Moon"] ancestor Zar's
Clarke, Gervas son of Micah and Sara Frobisher Clarke
Clarke, Joan Hurdle wife of Gervas Clarke
Clarke, Joseph husband of Mary Shepstone Clarke
Clarke, Mary Shepstone Clarke wife of Joseph Clarke
Clarke, Micah, Sr. son of Joseph and Mary Clarke
Connought, Dr. Richard ["Seizure: The Story of Kathy Morris"] ancestor Zar's
Cutler, Thurman ["The Outer Limits: I, Robot"] ancestor Zar's
Detchard of Ruritania ["Dupont Show of the Month: Prisoner of Zenda"] kun of Aaron Stemple
Dewhurst father of Joan Dewhurst Blakeney
Draja, Count ["Wild, Wild West: Night of the Iron Fist"] kin of Aaron Stemple
Drake, Angela Grayson "Chase" daughter of Richard and Barbara Grayson, wife of John Drake, Jr.
Drake, Timothy son of John and Angela Grayson Drake
Duvoe, Ambassador [Buck Rogers in the 25th C.: Journey to Oasis"] descendant of Aaron Stemple
Earhart, Amelia
Earhart, Amy ["Young Indy Chronicles: "London, May 1916"]
Earhart, Mr.
Earhart, Pidge
Fell, Elizabeth Hewitt daughter of Dorothy Holmes Hewitt
Fell, Gideon son of Elizabeth Hewitt Fell
Ffoules father of Mary Ffoules Blakeney
FitzHugh, Elizabeth neice Zar's
FitzHugh, Grayson sister Zar's
Fluro, Mr. ["The Love Boat: Crew Confessions", ""Haven't I Seen You?", "Reunion"] ancestor of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Fluro, Mrs. wife of Mr. Fluro, ancestress Zar's
Forester, Stella ["Starman"] ancestress Zar's
Fowler, Emmett ["Becker: The Tormentor"] ancestor Zar's
Frobisher father of Sara Frobisher Clarke
Gehrig, Eleanor ["A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story"]daughter of ancestress Zar's
Goodwin, Archie son of Scott "Marko Vilcic" Adler
Gordon, Barbara Lane wife of James W. Gordon
Gordon, James W. "Whisperer" (January 05, 1900-)
Grayson, Barbara Gordon "Batgirl" wife of Richard Grayson
Grayson, Charles "Nighthawk" son of Richard and Barbara Grayson, husband of Karen Starr
Grayson, Gail ["Fantasy Island: King for a Day", "Instant Family"] daugter of Mrs.Grayson
Grayson, James son of Richard and Barbara Grayson
Grayson, "Flying" John husband of Mary Grayson
Grayson, "Flying" Mary Ribble daughter of Abner and Amelia Paspartout Ribble, wife of John Grayson
Grayson, Mrs. ["Fantasy Island: King for a Day", "Instant Family"] ancestress Zar's
Grayson, Richard "Boy Wonder" son of John and Mary Grayson, husband of Barbara Gordon Grayson
Grayson-Starr, James Zorrel son of Charles and Karen Grayson-Starr
Grayson-Starr, Karen "Power-Girl" wife of Charles Grayson
Gregory, Dr. Ernest ["Another World"] descendant of Aaron Stemple
Grice, Elias ["Gunsmoke: A Man a Day"] ancestor Zar's
Hamilton father of Helen Hamilton Blakeney
Hewitt, Dorothy Holmes daughter of Mycroft and Violet Vernet Holmes
Hewitt, Martin son of Dorothy Holmes Hewitt
Hoffman, Eberhard ["The Radicals" 1990] ancestor of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Holmes, Alexander son of Charlotte Holmes
Holmes, Andrew son of Mycroft Sigerson Holmes
Holmes, Charlotte daughter of Siger and Violet Holmes, mother of Alexander Holmes, Zar's 12th great grandaunt
Holmes Creighton "X Esquire" [Adventures of Creighton Holmes] son of Raffles Holmes
Holmes, David ["Lost World"] son of Stuart Holmes
Holmes, Esther Rothschilde wife of Richard Holmes
Holmes, Henry son of Mycroft and Violet Vernet Holmes
Holmes, Isabella daughter of Mycroft Sigerson Holmes
Holmes, Jenny ["Lost World"] daughter of Stuart Holmes
Holmes, Jenny Hill wife of Sigerson Holmes
Holmes, Jonathan son of Henry Holmes
Holmes, Marjorie Raffles 1st wife of William Sherlock Holmes, Zar's 12th great grandmother
Holmes, Mary Russell 2nd wife of William Sherlock Holmes, Zar's 12th great step-grandmother
Holmes, Minerva daughter of Rutherford Sherlock Holmes
Holmes, Mycroft Clarke son of Siger and Violet Clarke Holmes, husband of Violet Sherringford, Zar's 14th great grandfather
Holmes, Mycroft Sigerson son of Siger and Violet Holmes, Zar's 12th great granduncle
Holmes, Raffles [Raffles Holmes and Company] son of William Sherlock and Marjorie Raffles Holmes, Zar's 11th great grandfather
Holmes, Richard son of Sherringford Holmes
Holmes, Richard II son of Sherlock Holmes II
Holmes, Robert son of Sebastian Holmes
Holmes, Rutherford Sherlock twin son of Siger and Violet Holmes, Zar's 12th great granduncle
Holmes, Sebastian son of Sherringford Holmes
Holmes, Shelley daughter of Richard Holmes
Holmes, Sherlock II son of Rutherford Sherlock Holmes
Holmes, Sherlock III son of Sherlock Holmes II
Holmes, Sherringford son of Siger and Violet Rutherford Holmes, Zar's 12th great granduncle
Holmes, Sigerson ["Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother"] son of Siger and Violet Rutherford Holmes, husband of Jenny Hill Holmes, Zar's 12th great granduncle
Holmes, Stuart son of Sherringford Holmes
Holmes, William Sherlock Scott twin son of Siger and Violet Holmes, Zar's 12th great grandfather
Holmes, Sherringford son of Mycroft and Violet Sherringford Holmes, Zar's 13th great granduncle
Holmes, Siger husband of Violet Rutherford Holmes, Zar's 13th great grandfather
Holmes, Sigerson son of Siger and Violet Holmes
Holmes, Violet Clarke wife of Siger Holmes, Zar's 15th great grandmother
Holmes, Violet Rutherford wife of Siger Holmes, Zar's 13th great grandmother
Holmes, Violet Sherringford wife of Mycroft Holmes
Holmes, Violet Vernet daughter of Antoine Charles Vernet, wife of Mycroft Clarke Holmes, Zar's 14th great grandmother
Hurdle father of Joan Hurdle Clarke
James, Frank ["Bonanza: Under attack"] ancestor Zar's
Jenkins, Katherine ["Hotel: Revelations"] ancestress of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Jones, Barnaby ["Barnaby Jones"] son of Peerless and Charlotte Jones
Jones, Charles husband of Shirley Holmes Jones, Zar's 12th great granduncle
Jones, Charlotte Jones daughter of Fetlock Jones, wife of Peerless Jones
Jones, Darwin son of Peerless and Charlotte Jones
Jones, David son of Peerless and Charlotte Jones
Jones, Fetlock son of Charles and Shirley Holmes Jones
Jones, Harold son of Barnaby Jones
Jones, Ellie daughter of David and Judith Walton Jones
Jones, Frederick son of David and Judith Walton Jones
Jones, Jebediah Romano son of Darwin Jones
Jones, Judith Walton wife of David Jones
Jones, Jupiter grandson of Fetlock Jones
Jones, Martin "Merlin" ["Monkey's Uncle"] son of David and Judith Walton Jones
Jones, Peerless husband of Charlotte Jones
Jones, Shirley Holmes daughter of Siger and Violet Rutherford Holmes, Zar's 12th great grandaunt
Jones, Titus son of Fetlock Jones
Kettering, Phil ["Assault on the Wayne"] ancestor Zar's
Kibner, Dr. David ["Invasion of the Body Snatchers"] ancestor Zar's
Konrad, Gen. ["Invasion America"] ancestor Zar's
La Franc, Jules ["Deathwatch"] ancestor Zar's
la Villard, François grandfather of Violet Vernet Holmes
Leacock, Alice ["Amityville: The Evil Escapes"] ancestress of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Lecomte, Hippolyte husband of Camille Lecomte-Vernet
Lecomte-Vernet, Camille Françoise Joséphine daughter of Claude Joseph Vernet, wife of Hippolyte Lecomte
Leiko "Black Lotus" daughter of John "Hanibal" Smith and Fah Lo Suee
Lincoln, Abraham kin of Aaron Stemple
Luvchen, Carla adopted daughter of John Hamish Adler
MacGyver, Angus ["MacGyver"] son of James and Ellen Jackson MacGyver
MacGyver, James son of Richard and Edwina McIvor
Mannering, Baron John son of Raffles Holmes
Matthews, George ["The Millionaire"] son of Mrs. Matthews
Matthews, Kate ["The Millionaire"] daughter of Mrs. Matthews
Matthews, Mrs. ["The Millionaie"] ancestress Zar's
Matthews, Paul ["The Millionaire"] son of Mrs. Matthews
McGuire, Paul ["T. J. Hooker: Vengence Is Mine"] Zar's 9th great grandfather
McGuire, Valerie ["T. J. Hooker: Vengence Is Mine"] Zar's 9th great grandmother
McIvor, Edwina Pratt wife of Richard McIvor
McIvor, Mary Holmes daughter of Mycroft and Violet Vernet Holmes
McIvor, Richard son of Mary Holmes McIvor, husband of Edwina Pratt
Mermelstein, Mel ["Never Forget"] ancestor Zar's
Merrivale, Honoria Hewitt daughter of Dorothy Holmes Hewitt, wife of Henry St. John Merrivale
Merrivale, Henry St. John husband of Honoria Merrivale
Merrivale, Lydia daughter of Sir Henry Merrivale
Merrivale, Sir Henry son of Henry St. John and Honoria Merrivale
Meyerson, Morris ["A Woman Called Golda"] ancestor Zar's
Mippipopolous, Count ["The Sun Also Rises"] ancestor Zar's
Mond, Mustapha ["Brave New World"] ancestor Zar's
Moth, Abraham son of Rutherford Sherlock Holmes
Nedakh, King Kashekim Zar's 11th grat grandfather
Norton, Irene Adler mistress of Ruthrford Holmes
Norton, Mycroft Adler son of Irene Adler Norton
Paris ["Mission: Impossible"] ancestor Zar's
Pasportout, Jean father of Amelia Pasportout Ribble
Pons, Ansenath husband of Roberta McIvor Pons
Pons, Bancroft son of Ansenath and Roberta McIvor Pons
Pons, Roberta McIvor daughter of Mary Holmes McIvor, wife of Ansenath Pons
Pons, Solar son of Ansenath and Roberta McIvor Pons
Queen, Dan son of Richard and Esther Rothschilde Holmes
Queen, Ellery son of Richard and Esther Rothschilde Holmes
Raffles, Monica Clarke daughter of Gervas and Jean Hurdle Clarke
Ribble, Abner husband of Amelia Pasportout Ribble
Ribble, Amelia Pasportout wife of Abner Ribble
Robinson, Dan son of Shirley Holmes Robinson
Robinson, Shirley Holmes daughter of Rutherford Sherlock Holmes
Rossi, John son of John "Hannibal" Smith
Rutherford, Dorothy Swinton wife of John Rutherford
Rutherford, Elizabeth Cavendish wife of 11th baron Tennington
Rutherford, John husband of Dorothy Swinton Rutherford
Rutherford, Serena Blakeney daughetr of Percy and Alice Clarke Raffles Blakeney, wife of 12th baron Tennington
Schwarz, Herbert husband of Stacey MacGyver
Schwarz, Herman son of Herbert and Stacey MacGyver Schwarz
Schwarz, Stacey MacGyver daughter of Richard and Edwina McIvor, wife of Herbert Schwarz
Shawnessey, Eliza Clarke daughter of Reuben Clarke, wife of Thomas Duff Shaunessey
Shawnessey, John W. son of Thomas Duff and Eliza Clarke Shawnessey
Shepstone father of Mary Shepstone Clarke
Sherrinford, Eric father of Violet Sherrinford Holmes
Sightings, Perel ["Otherworlds: The Zone Troopers Build Me" 1905] ancestor of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Simpson, Agnes ["Hotel: Christmas"] ancestress of Amanda Xtmprsqzntwlfd
Sloan, Horace ["In the Heat of the Night: Legacy" 1993] descendant of Aaron Stemple
Smith, Brad Runyon "Continental Op" son of John and Sigrina Holmes Smith
Smith, Blakeney Joan wife of Sir Denis Nayland Smith
Smith, Denis Nayland son of John and Sigrina Holmes Smith
Smith, George son of Sir Denis Nayland and Joan Blakeney Smith
Smith, Horatio ["Pimpernel Smith"] son of Sir Denis Nayland and Joan Blakeney Smith
Smith, John "Hannibal" son of Sir Denis Nayland and Joan Blakeney Smith
Smith, John Vansittart husband of Sigrina Holmes Smith
Smith, Sigrina Holmes daughter of Siger and Violet Clarke Holmes, wife of John Vansittart Smith, Zar's 12th great grandaunt
Sneed, Lancaster "Shockwave" son of Violet Smith Sneed
Sneed, Violet Smith daughter of John and Sigrina Holmes Smith
Stemple, Aaron ["Here Come the Brides"] Zar's 12th great grandfather
Stryker ["Get Smart: The Dead Spy Scrawls"] Zar's 9th great grandfather
Swinton father of Dorothy Swinton Rutherford
T'Kar tela'at of Talexendin clan before T'Pau
T'Pau tela'at (matriarch) of Talexendin clan
T'Rea 1st wife of Sarek Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Zar's ex-step-grandmother
Thorval, Emperor of Chimera ["The Secret Empire" 19th C.] kin of Aaron Stempel
Vernet, Sr., Antoine father of Claude Joseph Vernet
Vernet, Antoine Charles (1758-1836) father of Violet Vernet Holmes
Vernet, Claude Joseph (1714-1789) father of Antoine Charles Vernet
Vernet, Livio son of Claude Joseph Vernet
Walker, Judge Eloise ["Missing Children: A Mother's Story"]
Walking Fox, John ["Gunsmoke: Treasure of John Walking Fox"] ancestor Zar's
Weston, Geoffrey grandson of Sigerson and Jenny Hill Holmes
Wilsom, Margaret
Wilson, Martha ["Fantasy Island: Midnight Waltz"]
Wolfe, Spenser son of John Hamish "Nero Wolfe" Adler
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Amanda Stemple Grayson 2nd wife of Sarek Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Zar's grandmother
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Perrin 3rd wife of Surak Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Zar's stepgrandmother
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Saavik half-Romulan wife of Spock Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Zar's stepmother
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Skon (c. 2110-) father of Sarek, Zar's great grandfather
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Solkar (c. 2060-) father of Skon, Zar's 2nd great grandfather
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Spock (2230-) son of Surak Xtmprsqzntwlfd and Amanda Stemple Grayson Xtmprsqzntwlfd, husband of Saavik, Zar's father
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Sarek (2165-2368) son of Skon, Zar's grandfather
Xtmprsqzntwlfd, Sybok (2224-) son of Surak and T'Rea, Zar's half-uncle
Zar (2731 BC-) son of Spock Xtmprsqzntwlfd and Zarabeth of Sarpeidon
Zarabeth mother of Zar
Zorana, Countess ["Wild, Wild West: The Night of the Iron Fist"] wife of Count Draja
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