Fortean Mysteries SIG      recent history        issue 73         Newsletter of the Fortean Mysteries SIG of American Mensa          
  only 200,000 millicents per 3 issues     Published irregularly since Undecember 1658 AC
 "All things are possible ..." (Mt 19:26)

  Finally we're back in business. Our word processor is working again. Would you believe it wasn't the printwheel striker motor as the repair shop claimed, but a broken wire? Our back is back to normal too, just strained muscles but painful for a few days.

  The title is not original, but comes from a "Jeopardy" category featuring nutty quotes from academians.
  Remember the theory that cattle gas was causing the alleged ozone layer hole? Now we read that Dr. Frederick Dubner thinks it's all those Chinese. "The halitosis in China is atrocious -- so atrosious that it's become hazardous to our planet's fragile environment." He also blames though the English, French, Portuguese, Russians, Koreans, Indians, Italians, Japanese and Mexicans for their deadly
lack of toothbrushing.
   Dr. Fritz Weller in his theory blames California's proneness to earthquakes to Californians' overweight! True, 15 pounds per person multiplied by 15 million is 112,500 tons which could make a difference if distributed in a critical spot -- like if they all sat on each other's shoulders, say.
   Dr. Willard Ostonowi is breeding poplar trees with vocal cords that can echo whatever is spoken or sung to them. He's also developed trees with human hair and others with fleshy flowers. Fortunately he set himself a limit, calling a human-brained or eyed tree "possibly immoral".
  Dr. Mark Crealer cites NASA sources that the moon has been measured as close as 224,000 mile, closer than ever before. "If the moon continues to drift closer to Earth, the gravitational imbalance will bring about dramatic and devastating changes in our tides and weather, causing floods, tornadoes, droughts, hurricanes
and electrical storms unlike anything the world has ever seen." he goes on. He does conceed that the moon's "erratic movement makes it impossible to predict the exact date when the Moon and Earth will collide, most experts speculate that the disaster will occur within five years. On the 'high' note, most if not all of us will be dead long before the moon hits."

  Dr. Maurice Clavinaw doesn't have a theory for why Lucy Benawell breaks mirrors when she is close to one for more than a few minutes. There has been an unusually strong electrical field around her. The most curious detail is probably that this started after her visit to the Great Pyramid. A new pyramid power?

  The recent television specials narrated by Jonathan "William Riker" Frakes were interesting simply because the two shows were so similar. Both ghosts and UFOs seemed mostly to be nothing more than unexplained lights seen or photographed. The hoaxes, and there were many, were rather obvious, but the videography experts warned that seeing is not longer enough for believing. The best part we thought of the whole two hours though was the very first story about a police photographer who supposedly caught a ghostly image near an automobile wreck -- her name: Boo.

  We've found what we deem a most useful theory in Occult Phenomena in the Light of Theology by Alois Wiesinger -- and a new word. He explains such forteana as ghosts, possession, clairvoyance, crystal gazing, levitation, ESP, psychometry, telepathy, out-of-body experiences, psychokinesis, as well as hallucinations, witch hunts, hypermnesia, somnambulism, mania, as noopneustia. That's the immediate and direct illumination by which a higher spirit elevates, strengthens, confirms or perfects a lower one, such as a body-bound soul. Ghosts he identifies as disembodied souls seeking to follow their former natural connections, still joined somewhat to their former body.

  Psionics, the electronic enhancement of wild talents, doesn't seem to be so science fictional. We see that video tapes are being used by Central African witch doctor for remote cursing, replacing the old voodoo dolls. Dr. Kurt Aubert claims his new VCR, the Dreamcorder by Koehli World Technologies, can record dreams.
  John Mulene claims to have invented a camera that photographs auras. Not so remarkable, you say? He goes on to claim that the auras he detects indicate that the person so photographed is destined for heaven.
  Dr. Roger Hupewell believes that aliens may have already begun sending subliminal messages in our television signals. "That may explain some of the terrible events that have been taking place around the world," he says. (It sounds like something already exposed on "X-Files" though, doesn't it?)
  Another X-Filish story comes from Janet Marlt, president of Citizens For The Way of Truth. She claims to have uncovered an underground Satanic cult in our federal government, even knowing too that others who have tried to make such facts public have "disappeared".

   Prof. Lyle Couldrey has written a book called Sacred Palindromes of the Bible revealing "important, even urgent new meanings". "I am that am" he reads as "Am that I am?", the name of not God the Creator of man, but dog created by man! The article also tactfully noted "Several conservative Bible scholars have criticized Prof. Crouldrey's mehod as 'flawed'."

   From Malaga, Spain, comes the story of a 16-year-old boy who was attempting to climb the school roof who was apprehended by the Blessed Virgin Mary. Well, O. K., it was a 400-pound statue of her, but it did fall on him and pin him until police came to arrest the trespasser.

   While surfing we found the decidedly fortean site, -- "ParaScope: Something Strange is Happening!": "University at Albany shuts down professor's mind control implant research project", "Bra of Nostradamus warns of impending apocalypse while it gently lifts and separates", "Three new 'moons' seen in orbit
around Uranus", "mysterious sky flash baffles astronomers".
  The Journal of the Unexplained,, ("now with 1207 subscribers in 55 countries", more than Mpossibilities!) has had about crop circles made by a pink-purple football-shaped light in Hoeven, Holland, last June. A boy named Robert also claims to have seen a female entity and heard her telepathic message that there is something about the crop circles that is to fight deceit and restore the environment.
   It reports the 1993-5 sightings of a nine-foot robotic giant inYatzitz, Israel, and the associated mutated fruit.
   It also shares Dr. Bruce Goldberg's "The Chrononaut Phenomenon -- Alien Abductors by us in the Future" from Based on his work with 100 alledged abductees since 1974 he concludes that monitoring our "spiritual unfoldment", not the genetic experimentation, is their real purpose; they're from 1,000 to 3,000 years in the future, in fact "they are us in the future". If you really want to read more of this stuff, he's written Past Lives -- Future Lives which describes five parallel universe categories, each with an infinite number of subdivisions, to the 38th century.
  At we found not only Strange Magazine, including connections to the Strange Bookshop, the Anomaly Pages, Alien Skies and a Strangemag search engine. Strange #20 included, for example, a report on a ghost hunters convention in Gettysburg, PA, possible sightings of carcharodon megalodon ("extinct"  giant shark), chupacabras and other paranormal manimals in Latin America, the
Surrency (GA) Spooklight, the curse of Palmyra, synchronicity, Jersey Devil, globsters (mysterious carcasses occasionally washed up on beaches), red rain, lake monsters, psychic pstuff, archeological oddities (out-of-place objects, OOPOs) and time travel.
  Secrets of the Universe's card 7 of category 5 (Into the Unknown) deals with time travel too, an increasingly popular topic. The authors mention Kurt Goedel's  "closed, time-like curves", timeloops, Kip Thorne's wormhole through time kept open with exotic matter, Frank Tipler's ten-solar-mass rotating cylinder time machine, and Richard Gott's cosmic string theory. They even begin their "Time Travel Timeline" with 1895: British author H. G. Wells publishes The Time Machine.)

   Loompanics offers Milabs: Military Mind Labs and Alien Abduction
by Dr. Helmut and Marion Lammer. Its blurb claims it reveals the secrets of Project Artichoke and Project Mkultra, underground military facilities, black helicopters, implants, other-worldly journeys.
  Dentist Jack Cuozzo's reconstruction of Neanderthal fossils has created a stir in paleoanthropology. In Buried Alive: The Startling Truth about Neanderthal Man, available through the Institute for Creation Research, he shows that they are not another species at all but simply very aged Homo sapiens, on the order of the ages
given in Genesis, between 200 and 1000 years old.
   The Christian Book Distributers have Nephilim by L. A. Marzulli which reveals extraterrestrials as evil supernatural beings. There's nothing new under the sun -- or over it either, it seems.

   New Zealander Ian Smith had to come half-way around the world to witnessed his strangest event. Sinbad went overboard in a fail attempt to catch a gull while on the Freebooter. Through binoculars Smith saw a rescuer swim out to him in the strong Okeechobee Waterway current, swimming at an angle to the current straight for
Sinbad and carried him safely back in his mouth. He had to buy the pig, who he calls Porker, from his owner because the two became good buddies. "It gets a bit crowded at times, but I guess if Noah could manage with two of everything on his ark, I can live with a cat and a pig on a sailboat."
   Randall Dorba's pet boa constrictor, Bennie, escaped from his cage while Dorba was moving from Miami to. That was in January. On May 4 Bennie arrived at Dorba's new home in a suburb of Pittsburgh, nearly 1200 miles.

  A 386 IQ -- that's what they claim 21-year-old Shirley Germaine has. That'd be the intelligence of a 81-year-old. She didn't finish high school -- which is quite believable -- considering she read and memorized the Bible in two days. One would have thought that would have been a clue that something was unusual, but she didn't
find out that she had three brains until an MRI was done to find the cause of her headaches. (So is that a sub-Mensan 129 points per brain?)
 We'd like to have learned more about how she's able to bridge such a large intelligence gap. We find it difficult oftentimes to communicate across a gap of a mere 50 points.
   Dr. Ira Treylir's studies have been with more typical subjects. He claims to have refuted the common knowledge that most people only use a small part of their brain. He found nearly brain-wide electrical activity during most activities. They range from 100% (driving in traffic, working on taxes, watching a commercial, shopping), through 99% (sex by woman, dreaming), 96% (eating), 95% (sex by man), 92% (dreamless sleep), to 89% (educational television). "Everything we do is difficult." he concludes. Hopefully not including reading this newsletter.