Fortean Mysteries SIG      recent history        issue 74        Newsletter of the Fortean Mysteries SIG of American Mensa          
  only 200,000 millicents per 3 issues     Published irregularly since Undecember 1658 AC
 "All things are possible ..." (Mt 19:26)       

   We discovered this at NASA's astronomy picture of the day site ( Our Tables of Minor Planets gives it's diameter as 96 km (150 miles), but that obviously highly variable. It's more like 55x170 km (88x270). If it were a phalange -- it looks most likely a toe bone (1x3cm) -- the whole body'd be 10,000 km. That's only about one-quarter of the size of a humanoid implied by Peter Mangan's moon-skull theory (Mpossibilities 47:4), though it might be a tail bone of our hypothetical 64000-km space worm.
Kleopatra was discovered in 1880 and has a 4.6676-year "year". NASA says it's highly radioreflective and so likely iron-nickle but with a loose rubble surface. Perhaps it was one of Fort's ancient spacebattles between a spaceworm and a spacebot -- and both lost.

   Since J. H. Conway discovered surreal numbers (Mpossibilities 31:4) mathematics has changed. Making use of the computerese 00 (double zero) for the older "lazy eight" designation for Cantor's basic transfinite number, aleph-null, and   (backslash) for ciscendentals, nfinities, nrationals, rrationals (Mpossibilities
68:1) seems to make surreal mathematics easier by an aleph-nullth [That's a word you probably don't see every day.]
  Here's others anglicized from Transfini Math‚matiques pur Surreel
Amateurs de R“les Muet by Andr‚ Joyce using the operation
complimentary to dividing, conquering:
...99001 = 1000 - 999 = 3000 3003 = oogol-im
...99501 = 1000 - 499 = 3000 318 = oogol-id
...9901 = 1000 - 99 = 3000 303 = oogol-ic
...9951 = 1000 - 49 = 3000 48 = oogol-il
...991 = 1000 - 9 = 30 6 = oogol-ix
...996 = 1000 - 4 = 300 15 = oogol-iv
...998 = 1000 - 2 = 30 9 = oogol-ij
...99 = 1000 - 1 = 3 3 = oogol-i [pronounced "ooh-gaul-ee"]
100...00 = 1000 = 1 1 = oogol [from its similarity to googol]
100...001 = 1000 + 1 = 10 1 = oogoli [pronounced "ooh-golly"]
100...002 = 1000 + 2 = 5 1 = oogolij
100...004 = 1000 + 4 = 5 2 = oogoliv
100...009 = 1000 + 9 = 10 9 = oogolix
100...0049 = 1000 + 49 = 50 47 = oogolil
100...0099 = 1000 + 99 = 100 99 = oogolic
100...00499 = 1000 + 499 = 500 497 = oogolid
100...00999 = 1000 + 999 = 1000 999 = oogolim
199...99001 = 2(1000) - 999 = 6000 6006 = twogol-im
199...99501 = 2(1000) - 499 = 6000 636 = twogol-id
199...9901 = 2(1000) - 99 = 6000 606 = twogol-ic
199...9951 = 2(1000) - 49 = 6000 96 = twogol-il
199...991 = 2(1000) - 9 = 60 12 = twogol-ix
199...996 = 2(1000 - 2) = 600 30 = twogol-iv
199...998 = 2(1000) - 1) = 60 18 = twogol-ij
199...99 = 2(1000) - 1 = 6 6 = twogol-i
200...00 = 2(1000) = 2 2 = twogol [pronounced "to-gaul"]
200...001 = 2(1000) + 1 = 20 2 = twogoli
200...002 = 2(1000 + 1) = 10 2 = twogolij
200...004 = 2(1000 + 2) = 10 4 = twogoliv
200...009 = 2(1000) + 9 = 20 18 = twogolix
200 ..0049 = 2(1000) + 49 = 100 94 = twogolil
200...0099 = 2(1000) + 99 = 200 198 = twogolic
200...00499 = 2(1000) + 499 = 1000 994 = twogolid
200...00999 = 2(1000) + 999 = 2000 1998 = twogolim
10100...00 = oogolplex
10200...00 = twogolplex
0010 = goloo [spoonerism of oogol, 1000]
0000 = 000 = aleph-one
               LEAST BUT NOT LAST
  Dr. Otto Wolfe has reportdly donated his three-year-old genetic
engineering experiment to the Dresden Zoo, Hans-Herman, a two headed
zebra. What makes this two-head zebra more remarkable than the
everyday two-headed zebra is that Dr. Wolfe and his team grew Hans'
head on Herman's rear. "People don't appreciate the research and
technology that went into the creation of an animal like this. What
we learn about the manipulation of genes can lead to many new
discoveries, not the least of which will be cures for diseases like
arthritis and cancer."
  Let's hope that this is the least of the new discoveries.
        "X-rays will prove to be a hoax."
                  -- Lord Kelvin           

  Dr. Frank Chavis claims to have lived for nine days with a Bigfoot
family last May in Wenatchee National Forst, Wash. Actually they
found him. The two youngsters rubbed leaves on his sprained ankle to
relieve the pain and fed him until he recovered. He managed to
record their monosyllabic language, but he says "The most important
thing I learned from living with a Bigfoot family is that it's
possible to be happy and peaceful without the hectic complications
of cars, TV, and the other trappings of madern society.
   Dr. Duane Gorand says of the specimen found by Les and Linda
Tinardi near Holbrook, Ariz., "We have a lot more tests to run, but
at this point we have every reason to believe it is a genuine
angel's wing." Duh! Has he ever examined a genuine angels' wing
before. We think not. An angel appeared and saved their son who'd
been bitten by a diamondback. Les says, "I was never a religious
man. I only prayed out of desperation, because my son was so sick.
But I no longer have any doubts. Heaven exists and God sends angels
to Earth to intervene in human affairs."
  Angels leave memorable calling cards too!
   ³ "That extra-geographic conditions may be spiritual, ³
   ³ or of highly attenuated matter, is not my present   ³
   ³ notion, though that, too, may be some day accepted."³
   ³             -- Charles Fort                         ³

                 WORDS CAN HURT YOU
  Yet another killer disease for us: Aurally Transmitted Syndrome,
ATS. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, nausea, head and body aches,
swollen lymph glands. That's what Dr. Leo Gatelman has identified it
as. He's also discovered that all that all 37 cases he's studied
have in common is that the victims were either 900 sex line workers
or frequent customers and had been exposed to large amounts of bad
language, what memeticists would call dysmemes.
  This sounds very similar to the 168 cases of people dying from
extensive computer use studied by Gary Purmon. Its symptoms are
however a slow, months-long eating away of the skin and then muscles
and then internal organs. All spend 13 or more hours a day in front
of a computer screen, but he says "Quite frankly, we don't have any
idea how this is happening." This one though could just be radiation
poisoning or information overload.

   In recent Discovers we enjoyed most the "Bogglers" section by
Scott Kim. He's had anagrammic chemistry: (gold + indium =
gadolinium), hiroimono ["things picked up"] (the Japanese game which
can easily be extrapolated to hiroipoly), the Iltozian orthography
(based on tetrominoes, combinations of four squares), Iltozian
astronomy, (ditto), and negative place holders. The last would give
jootsy calculus (Mpossibilities 72:11) even more mpossibilities.
  In his Boggler the place holders 5 to 9 in base 10 are replaced by
ones between -1 and -5, so that dates such as Christmas this year,
12-25-00, could mean something quite extraordinary: 12,000 - 200 +
50 - 00, which oogologically would be -00 + 12,150 = -5121 100000.

                      UNDEAD UNPOPULAR
   Nicolae Maramures was reported losing -- in fourth place in fact
-- in his bid for mayor of Craiova, Romania. Although he promised to
bring "all the wisdom I have gathered over the centuries", 11 he
claims, to the office, perhaps the Romanians were wise enough to
pass on someone foolish enough to let himself become a vampire in
the first place.

                        LO! HIGHS

   We hear that the extrasolar planet count is now up to over 50 and
the latest is orbiting epsilon Eridani at a reasonable distance.
From the rest it seem planetary systems are not as stable as they
had thought. Giants can lose enough momentum to move in closer than
our Mercury or be thrown completely out of a stars gravity well.
Maybe Velikovsky was more right than wrong about planetary
   If you remember, or even if you don't, epsilon Eridani ("Ee-ee"),
only 10.8 light-years away, was where the message in "The Message
from Space" by Fred Heeren came from -- the Jewish scripture in
microwave Morse-coded Hebrew. When Earth responded with "?" they
answered with the Christian scriptures in Greek. Yes, it's only a
parable but one with the point that there are ansers, there is one
 ³ "I mistrust laboratory methods because what happens ³
 ³  in a laboratory is contrived and dictated. If the  ³
 ³   evidence is unexpected or unaccountable it is     ³
 ³ re-manufactured until it proves what the laboratory ³
 ³ controller wants it to prove." (George Bernard Shaw)³

  Fr. Gabriele Amorth unselfconsciously recounts in his An Exorcist
Recounts how her expelled the demon from a swineherd to his pig only
to have the angry demon maul its former residence to death. The
exorcism was a complete success, but the patient died.
   Renzo Allegri's Reporter in Hell actually reports hellish
visitants. Fr. Gino took a year to exorcise "Anna" from a polt that
bloodied and tore her clothes. Fr. Candido Amantiniis told of Sr.
Francesa's apparently benevolent gifts of levitation and locution
being replaced by the transformation of spaghetti to worms, the
vomiting up of stones and pins for several years. Fr. Germano Venura
also told of seeing walnut-sized stones vomited up.

   The recent chronicle of Charles Wykoff's life-long quest for the
monster of Loch Ness on PBS was interesting. It noted the alleged
proof that R. Kenneth Wilson's 1979 photo was a hoax but also
Richard Smith's proof that the hoax was hoaxed. It mentioned Sir
Peter Scott's plesiosaur theory and his later abandonment of it
under pressure and the three unidentified blips found by Operation
Deep Scan in 1987.
   It quoted Alastair Boyd's typical Nessie hunter response: "It was
the most extraordinary thing I've ever seen. If I could afford to
spend the rest of my life for another glimpse, I would."

   Davis Welk's study of all reported cases of spontaneous human
combustion in 1998 revealed the interesting observation that 69% of
the 17,307 victims were plumbers. That's nearly 12,000 of them! The
next "largest" occupational category was elementary school teachers
(7.2%), followed by cabdrivers, data processing clerks (both 5.2%),
then dentists (4.5%), clergy (2.7%), psychiatrists (2%), police
(1.3%), actor/actress (1.1%).

                      ANNO CONFUSIONIS
  As we mentioned in Mpossibilities 72:4, there was a Feb. 29th,
1900 in Greece and Russia who had not yet changed from Old Style
(Julian calender) to New Style (Gregorian calendar), now in a book
of urban legnds we read of the confusion caused by a
misunderstanding of the nature of that change. O. S. had a Feb. 29th
every fourth year, N. S. every fourth year excepting years not
divisible by 400. O. S. would now differ from N. S. by the 11 days
it did in 1752 when most nations switched plus the missed 1800 and
1900 leapdays, 13 days. Some densans actually were worrying about
the computer that would not accept the date Feb. 30, 2000.
 The author, who shall remain nameless -- not because we don't want
embarrass him, but because we can't find our notes at the moment --
said that there has never been a February 30th. Well, that's as not
true as that there wasn't a Feb. 29th 1900. You do have to remember
back to before Old Style was new though, before Julius Caesar had
the calendar changed in 45 B. C., the Year of Confusion.
  Before Julius became caesar and stole a day from Februarius and
added it to Quinctilis to make the first 31-day month, our July,
February had 30 days just like all the others in the year, all that
is except Mercedonius, a leapmonth that failed to keep the previous
calendar in accurate.
  Thinking on such things got us wiffing: "What if Julius'
correction calendar had continued in use? What if we stopped trying
to fight the confusion and enjoyed it? What if the Fortean Mysteries
SIG revived it as our own official calendar (not to be outdone by
the Fortean Society and the OuLiPo? (Mpossibilities 72:3)" It's
quite forteanly mysterious with 450 days and 15 months with one
inside another.
  So here's the corrsponding Anno Domini dates for the year 1660
Anno Confusionis:
  Apr. 14, 2000 = Januarius 1; May 7 = Mercedonius 1; May 30 =
Februarius 25; June 4 = Martius 1; July 4 = Aprilis 1; August 3
[your editor's birthday] = Maius 1; Sept. 2 = Iunius; Oct. 2 =
Julius 1; Nov. 2 = Sextilis 1; Dec. 2 = September 1; Jan. 3, 2001 =
October 1; Feb. 2 = November 1; Mar. 3 = December 1; Apr. 2 =
Undecember 1; May 5 = Duodecember 1; June 7 = Duodecember 34.
  Anyone who had adopted it wouldn't have had to deal with Y2K until
Feb. 5, 2419 A. D. and won't have to deal with Y10K until June 5,
   We've, somewhat relatedly, also been pondering the expression "a
month of Sundays". If a month can vary between 28 days and 31 "a
month of Sundays could be anywhere from 27 weeks 1 day (190 days) to
31 weeks 6 days (223 days). If, as in the A.C. calendar, they vary
between Mercedonius' 23 and Duodecember's 34, we'd get 22 weeks 1
day (155 days) to 34 week 6 days (244 days).
   If we make it "a month of Easter Sundays" it's that many years!
If we're talking about the 45+33 = 78 years between Julius Caesar
and the first Easter it's even longer.

                     GREAT GOOGOLS!
  Another recently read bit of dysinformation which we'd like to
correct, again which we cannot find where we read it, a children's
math book perhaps, was the statement that "googol" and "googolplex"
are the largest named numbers. Obviously there's also googolplexplex
which would be ((1010)10)2 = (310)2. Perhaps the author considered
10googolplex unimaginably large.
  From the analogy gross:great gross::googol:? Andr‚ Joyce concluded
that "great xy" means "xy+1". Since gross = 122 and great gross =
123 then great googol = (1010)3 = (210)3 = 101,000and great
googolplex = ((1010)10)3 = (310)3. Then from another analogy from
genealogy, he got great great grandfather:two-greats
grandfather::great great googol:?, and got to n-greats googol =
(210)2+n and n-greats googolplex = (310)2+n.  He also, by analogy
again this time with Baker's and Poulter's dozens, discovered the
Baker's gross (132 = 169), the great Baker's gross (133 = 2,197),
the Poulter's gross (142 = 196) and the Poulter's great gross (143 =
2,744). Thus n-greats Baker's gross = 132+n and n-greats Poulter's
gross 142+n.
ninety-one-greats gross = 1293 = 2.311297675+(10100)
eighty-eight-greats Baker's gross = 1390 = 1.798463829+(10100)
eighty-six-greats Poulter's gross = 1488 = 7.232145248+(10100)
eight-greats googol = (1010)10 = 310
gross-greats googol = (1010)146 = (310)2.164352856+
Baker's gross-greats googol = (1010)171 = (310)2.23299611+
Poulter's gross-greats googol = (1010)198 = (310)2.29666519+
great gross-greats googol = (1010)1,730 = (310)3.238046103+
eight-greats googolplex = ((1010)10)10 = 410
googol-greats googol = (1010)googol + 2 = ((210)(410))2
great googol-greats googol = (1010)great googol + 2 = (210)2(410)3
great googolplex-greats googol = (1010)great googolplex + 2 =
great googolplex-greats googolplex = ((1010)10)great googolplex + 3
= ((310)(610))3
  Many years ago we had already read of megistron in Mathematical
Snapshots by Hugo Steinaus which is 10 stacked exponentially 8
(((((((10)10)10)10)10)10)10)10) = 810. That could, analogously with
the exponential 108 = "ten-to-the-eighth", be read as
"to-the-eighth-ten". Admittedly it's easier to read and write it
than comprehend it, but that applies to all nearly all the numbers
in this issue.

                       WHY DO IT?
  If you're reading forteana you, at least subconsciously, know why
we do such things, but it's good to re-articulate it. Susan Steward
does a pretty good job in Nonsense. "Play" she says "involves the
manipulation of the conditions and contexts of messages and not
simply a manipulation of the message itself. It is not, therefore, a
shift within the domain of the the everyday lifeworld; rather, it is
a shift to another domain of reality." Dare we call it surreality,
what Charles Fort referred to when he wrote: "It is only by being
more nearly real that we can sweep away the quasi-things that oppose
us." (Book of the Damned 11) and "It would seem that we're trying to
conceive of Universalness manufacturing more Universalness from
Nothingness. Take that up yourself, if you're willing to run the
risk of disappearing with such velocity that you'll leave an
incandescent train behind, and risk being infinitely happy forever."
(BOTD 15)      A godly mightness is our Fort,
               Our leader in absurd retort
               Against preposterousness:
               For still our Scientists
               Do seek to damn our lists,
               Their eyes and minds are shut,
               Their thinking in a rut;
               It's preposterousness!